Jesus / Gospel Message
Gospel Message
What if there’s more than what you’ve heard? What if this life is about more than what you’ve lived?
What if beyond your circumstances, your successes, and your failures, there could be complete wholeness? What if there could be unbreakable joy?
What if the grave did not mean the end, but rather, the beginning of life?
What if beyond the noise of the day and the quiet of the night there was a God who made you, perfectly understands you, and loves you with a never-ending, never breaking love?
What if all of this was true?
Jesus Christ
In all of human history, there has never been a person more controversial, more hated, and more loved than Jesus Christ.
Time has revolved around Him; cities have been built to honor Him; songs have been sung to worship Him; and countless men and women have laid down their lives to defend Him.
Without question, many people have an idea of who Jesus is. Perhaps you have an idea of who Jesus is.
Maybe you have formed your idea of Jesus from what the media says, or maybe you remember old songs from childhood Sunday School lessons.
Maybe you heard a lecture in college on the historical life of Jesus, or read a book on how Jesus was not unlike the other great peacekeepers of the world.
But that doesn’t mean you know Jesus.
The Rock Church is centered on Jesus — who He is, what He did, and what He continues to do. We invite you to come join us in discovering the Jesus of the Bible.

Jesus is Good
The Bible tells us that Jesus is good!
Unlike what many claim about him, Jesus was not a liar; Jesus was not a hypocrite; Jesus was not a narcissist; and Jesus did not come to start a religion.
Jesus is good.
While on Earth, he was a friend to sinners; he laughed at parties; played with kids; enjoyed his friends; and rebuked injustice.
Today, Jesus is still good. He loves us with a fierce, unending, and selfless love.
Because He loves us, He shows us how to love ourselves, and how to love others. Jesus is good — He shows us how to live with meaning and purpose.
Jesus hears our prayers, because He loves us and cares about the details of our lives.

Jesus is God
In His goodness, Jesus taught that He was more than just a man. He was God in the flesh who came to this earth to feel our pain, sympathize with our weakness, die for our sins, and restore His creation.
Jesus came to bring peace between humanity and God. He promises to, one day, right all wrong, wipe away all tears, and give everlasting life through belief in Him.

Jesus is Gracious
Though Jesus is in every way God, and in every way good, the truth is that we have not been good to Him.
Unlike Jesus, we have been rotten in our actions, thoughts, and words.
Either in the silence of our minds, or in the openness of the city streets, we have sinned against God.
Our sinful rebellion against Him, because of His perfect nature, earns for all humankind a death penalty.
But Jesus is gracious. Knowing that dying in our place would spare us from that death penalty, He did just that. He substituted His life for ours. He took our place.
Because of Jesus’ grace, his death on the cross, and His resurrection, we can know Jesus and enjoy Jesus while being known and enjoyed by Him.
Today, Jesus invites you to know all about His goodness, His grace, and His perfect character.

Learn More about Jesus
At the Rock Church, we exist for Jesus and would love for you to know more about Him. The best place to learn about Jesus, is the Bible. We encourage you to start reading the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the book of Romans to grasp an understanding of who Jesus is. We would also encourage you to visit one of our locations where you can connect with a pastor or leader in the church who can help with you your understanding of Jesus.
In the mean time, we have provided a full gospel presentation in both video form and presentation form, some great stories of how Jesus has changed lives, our statement of faith, and provide a library of great messages that we would love for you to go over.
The Gospel Message…
Jesus Changes Lives…
We Believe the Bible…
Learn about Jesus…