The Rock Church


Services are streamed live every Saturday at 6:00 p.m.

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Bryan D. Edwards - April 21, 2019


The first Easter. The most horrible event in all of history became the most amazing event in all of history. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The power of this truth has changed lives for 2,000 years; it has the power to change your life today! Because Jesus is alive, you, too, can cross from Death to Life.

From Series: "Death to Life: Easter 2019"

The last week of Jesus’ life changed the world. Imagine the contrast of emotions that His disciples experienced during the final days before His death. They witnessed their friend, teacher, and Savior get arrested, brutally beaten, and crucified. What anguish they must have felt at the guilt of their own betrayal and the grief that engulfed them. Yet, only a short time later, their darkness was flooded by the light of joy at the realization that Jesus was alive and had risen from the dead! Join us this Easter as we experience a unique, two-week journey, that will take us from darkness to light and from death to life!

More From "Death to Life: Easter 2019"

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