The Rock Church

Tag Archive: billy johnson

  1. Misunderstanding

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    Misunderstanding, a Word by Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

    Every once in a while, I get myself into a situation where I know I’ve been misunderstood. There are also times when I realize that I’ve misunderstood what somebody was trying to tell me. We all experience this, don’t we? I was recently struck by a story in Joshua (22:10-34). There was a misunderstanding that could have ended in disaster… if one group of people hadn’t been able to explain themselves to another group.

    When Israel was moving into the Promised Land, one group of people were given the land on the East side of the Jordan river. They built “an altar of imposing size.” One that looked identical to the altar God had them build for the Tabernacle. They shouldn’t have done this as it was “unauthorized.” God had been very clear with them when He gave them instructions about where and how He wanted the altar built.


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  2. Royal

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    Royal, A Word by Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Christian Church Utah

    In the book of Numbers (Chapter 16), we read about some men who rebelled against Moses and Aaron. They are angry because they think Moses and Aaron are making themselves out to be more holy than the rest of the Israelites. These men are envious of the position Moses and Aaron have among the congregation of Israel.

    Instead of going to the Lord, however (with humble and thankful hearts for being His chosen people), they grumble and rebel instead. They are not satisfied with their relationship or position with God. They want position among men. They want to be recognized as great in Israel. 


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  3. Priorities

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    priorities, a word by pastor Billy Johnson of the rock church in utah

    I’ve been at my new job as a maintenance electrician for almost three months. For over a decade, I’ve worked a lot of overtime as an industrial/commercial electrician. I worked in mines, salt plants, airfields, factories, and high rise buildings. It wasn’t uncommon for me to get to work before the sun came up, work all day, and come home after dark. I would then sit at the kitchen table to do paperwork, while my wife waited (for an hour or so), to have a conversation with me. I worked hard to provide for my family and make sure my jobs came in on time and under budget. This is what God called me to do, right? Wrong.


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  4. All Things New

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    All Things New, A Word by Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church in Utah.

    Happy New Year! It always amazes me how quickly one year comes to an end and another one takes its place. It’s a never ending cycle. A few days ago, I was reading in the Bible (the book of Revelation). What really stood out to me was that when Jesus comes to make all things new, it will be the end of the “out with the old and in with the new” mentality we’ve all come to know in this life.


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  5. Tradition

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    Tradition, A Word by Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church in Utah.

    Every year, the pastors of The Rock Church go to our National Pastor’s Conference. There’s a tradition, one night during the week of meetings, when we go to a grocery store (or a gas station), get some snacks, and head to the hotel lobby to spend time together. We’ll play games, joke around, and laugh a lot. It has become something I really look forward to each year. 


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  6. Eclipse

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    Eclipse A Word By Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church in Utah

    “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” — Psalm 19:1

    Eclipse glasses? Check. Moon pies? Check. Last week, we all saw something incredible take place. We saw the sun, the moon, and the earth, perfectly align— creating a solar eclipse. Other than destroying the sun, moving the earth, or moving the moon, there was nothing that was going to stop the eclipse from happening. I read that “According to NASA, experiencing a total solar eclipse where you live happens about once in 375 years.” So, no matter how hard we try, or how hard we want it to happen, there is nothing we can do to align the sun, moon and earth to force an eclipse.


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  7. Harvest

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    Harvest, A Word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Utah

    While on vacation this summer, my family and I stayed with relatives who live on an Ohio farm of over one hundred acres! One morning, the kids were out playing in the yard and the farmer asked if we wanted to take turns riding in the tractor while he fertilized the crops?


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  8. Legacy

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    Legacy A Word from Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church in Utah

    “I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.” — 1 Peter 1:13-15


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  9. God Loves You

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    God Loves You a word from pastor Billy Johnson of the Rock Church Utah

    God loves you! Jesus’ coming into this world and going through everything He did (including His death) was God’s gift to you. This is the heartbeat of the Bible and the wonderful message of Christmas. He loves you.

    Isaiah 9:6 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

    Look again at what that verse says. “For to us….”. Are you catching it? It says, “for to us a son is given…” Jesus is a gift from God to us!


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  10. Suffering

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    Suffering A Word from Pastor Billy Johnson

    “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.” — John 12:27

    These were Jesus’ words before He was betrayed and crucified. If anyone knows about suffering, it’s Jesus. His suffering was foretold all the way back to the book of Genesis. Isaiah 53 calls Him the “Man of Sorrows”.


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