The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Change

  1. Bearing Fruit in Keeping with Repentance

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    Bearing Fruit in Keeping with Repentance — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Fruit isn’t something a tree forces out in a single moment. On the contrary, it grows naturally when the tree is healthy and rooted."

    As we start the new year, many of us reflect on the past and naturally make plans for the future. It’s for sure a season of resolutions and fresh starts. Reading in Matthew 3:8, John the Baptist gives us a piece of timeless wisdom that can always guide us. It guides us not just at the start of the year but every single day: “Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” Repentance isn’t just about feeling bad or saying sorry. It’s also about a life transformed by God’s grace.


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  2. Radical Transformation

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    Radical Transformation — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Like Paul, be willing to let go of preconceived notions and be open to God’s radical transformation of your life."

    In Galatians (Chapter 1), Paul wrote about the radical change that happened to him. Plus, it only could have occurred through the revelation given to him by Jesus Christ. His incredible change shocked him completely. In fact, he basically had to hang out (for three years) with a fellow brother to process it all.

    Before his life changed, I think that perhaps much of what he did was to look good in front of others and please them. I believe this because he eventually wrote (multiple times) that his drastic change, new identity, and Gospel didn’t come from man.


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  3. A Life Worthy of the Calling

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    A Life Worthy of the Calling — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "live a life worthy of their calling. He emphasized that our actions should naturally reflect the divine calling we have received from God."

    In Ephesians 4, Paul called Believers to live in a manner worthy of their calling. Even now, he reminds us how vital unity and spiritual growth are within the Church.

    If we remember, the Church in Ephesus was mainly Gentiles. They were just beginning their Christian lives. Gentiles and Jews had always been very different. Now, they were to be one with them. These verses also guide us today as we live in community. They urge us to live in humility, gentleness, patience, and love — regardless of our differences.

    Let’s dive into the first three verses and see how to apply their principles.

    “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” — Ephesians 4:1 (NLT)

    Paul’s description of himself as a “prisoner for serving the Lord” underscores his commitment and dedication to his faith. While imprisoned in Rome, he wanted us to understand, even more importantly, that he was a prisoner for serving the Lord.

    He desperately wanted the Believers to live a life worthy of their calling. He emphasized that our actions should naturally reflect the divine calling we have received from God. In fact, this verse is significant as it reminds us to align our daily lives with our spiritual identity. Consequently, we should embody virtues such as humility, patience, and love.

    Living in a manner worthy of our calling honors God and strengthens the Church’s unity and growth. Additionally, it fosters a community that mirrors Christ’s love and teachings. Ask yourself, are you imprisoned to the Lord? Is it perhaps other passions?

    Look Within

    “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” — Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)

    Next, Paul tells us always to be humble, gentle, and patient with each other. Along with that, we should make allowances for one another’s faults because of our love. This verse emphasizes the importance of treating each other with kindness and understanding. Coupled with that, we must recognize that none of us are perfect.

    Think about your own life; how often do you see the faults in others but forget to look inward and see faults of your own? This is a great exercise as you look at other’s faults. Instead, reflect on your own. Without a doubt, it will change your perspective.

    “Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.” — Ephesians 4:3 (NLT)

    Lastly, at least for this blog, Paul urged the Ephesians to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. That, despite their differences, they were to be united as one body in Christ. Equally important, they shared one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism. And above all, one God and Father of all.

    His Purpose For Us

    By no means is this unity about being identical. Instead, it’s about embracing the diversity of gifts and roles within the Church. Again, this had to have been mind-blowing for those Gentiles. People had told them their whole lives that they were unworthy of God’s love. Now, they were to live in peace with the Jews. That peace could only happen because they had the Holy Spirit in them. How about you? Are you living in peace with others?

    God calls us to a life of purpose. It’s His for us, no matter how difficult it may seem at first. Paul wanted us to know it. What’s keeping you from living for the purpose God has for you?

    Learning to live out a life worthy of my calling,


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  4. Will You Be My Neighbor?

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    Will You Be My Neighbor? — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "love our neighbors. This important Truth certainly seems elementary. It’s like learning the ABCs. It’s also incredibly challenging"

    When asked what the greatest (or most important) commandment was, Jesus said it was to love God and love your neighbor. 

    “Jesus answered … ‘And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.’” — Mark 12:29a – 31


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  5. Recall Who He Is and What He Has Done

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    Recall Who He Is and What He Has Done — a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "So, how do we do that? How do we remind ourselves? This isn’t an exhaustive list, but these are some ways to recall God’s truth."

    I don’t know about you, but I need reminding often. I forget things so quickly. They go in one ear and out the other. Do you struggle with that? I think we certainly all do in our human nature. And I believe the writers of the New Testament knew that as well. Paul and Peter both wrote to tell the early Church to recall God’s truths. (2 Peter 1:12-13, Romans 15:15)

    The disciples also knew they needed reminding. They spent three years physically walking with Jesus, and it’s clear they always required a lot of reminders from our Lord. They knew what Jesus had taught them; they could indeed repeat it. However, many times throughout their days, He reminded them. It’s almost like they needed a good shake to recall His teachings.


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  6. Gratitude and Hope

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    Ephesians 1:15-21 is a set of verses that really encourages me. We glimpse Paul’s heart and his thankfulness for the church in Ephesus! He speaks with gratitude and hope. On top of that, he deeply desires the saints to continue their spiritual growth.

    First, Paul starts by expressing his gratitude for the Ephesians’ faith in Jesus. At the same time, he also expresses thanks for their love for the saints.


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  7. Inner Transformation and Mind Renewal

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    Inner Transformation and Mind Renewal — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s an invitation to undergo a continual process of transformation. One that aligns our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with God’s will."

    I recently read some New Testament verses that resonated with me deeply. Their powerful message centered around how we live as Christians. Although distinct in context, they were also intertwined. In this case, they offered me a transformative perspective on faith, purity, and the renewal of the mind. Let me explain.

    In Mark 7:15, Jesus spoke about how we can act to ensure we appear perfect on the outside. Yet He said the external isn’t the issue. “Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” His words cut the religious traditions of His day to the core and challenged the norms. They were religious norms which heavily emphasized external purity laws and rituals. Everything had to do with the outward appearance.


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  8. Home

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    With a heavy and thankful heart, I took a final, sweeping glance around the place my family and I had called home for the last eleven years. Then I locked the door and drove away. 

    As I did, memories flooded through me. I thought of bringing my two youngest daughters home from the hospital as newborns. And then, there were all the Christmas, birthday, and Thanksgiving dinners with friends and family. Another was the treasure map I made to look old and “hid” in the attic where my son could find it. Along with that came the cloth bag of quarters he dug up in the backyard. So. Many. Memories. 


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  9. Sin Magnet

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    “The flesh wars against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh.” — Galatians 5:17

    Sin Magnet — a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "your “wants” will change. The power of your flesh magnet will undoubtedly decrease as you pursue Him with a fiery passion.

    I recently watched a short video on demagnetizing powerful, permanent magnets. One technique heated the magnet to a very high temperature — as high as 1390 degrees! The heat caused the electrons to spin. Then, they realigned within the heart of the metal. As a result, the magnetism of the whole object decreased. Voila!

    Furthermore, did you know that our flesh is just like a sin magnet? Sin undeniably draws us. To put it another way, our eyes, hands, feet, thoughts, and words get us into trouble. I’ve counseled in heartbreaking situations with people. They were situations where people were specifically struggling (and losing) the battle with addictions of the flesh. Alcohol, drugs, and porn are very powerful sins. In such cases, people may need a reliable treatment center. The team at Carrara luxury rehab centers ensures that every client receives tailored support, leading to lasting recovery. Offering a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment, Carrara combines luxury with expert care.


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  10. Do You Fear God?

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    Do You Fear God? – a word by Pastor Bryan Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I leave you with the words of Solomon found in Ecclesiastes 8:12, “...I know that it will be well with those who fear God...”

    “If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, that you may be feared.” — Psalm 130:3-4

    The fear of God (or the fear of the Lord) is definitely a big theme in the Bible. But, when we think of fear, we often think of, you know, FEAR — or being afraid. Like the fear of spiders or the fear of clowns. Other times, fear is why we don’t do certain things. For example, you might fear flying for fear that the plane might crash. And the reason you didn’t eat the boss’s last donut was for fear of being caught. However, all this is to say that this is not what it means to fear God.


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