The Rock Church

Tag Archive: conference

  1. “Radical Parenting” Conference

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    The Rock Church in Draper, UT is hosting their "Radical Parenting" Conference on September 8 & 9, 2023. Visit to register.

    It’s critical that we get radical in our parenting approaches if we are going to raise godly kids in this broken world. An incredible amount of time, money, and energy goes into raising them and we want to do it right. But, we live in a world that doesn’t really know how to help. Fortunately for us, God’s Word has a number of key principles for radical/godly parenting.


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  2. God’s Will and Faithcamp

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    “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” — James 4:13-15

    A few weeks ago, many people from our church attended the Faithcamp/DTC Conference in Alamosa, Colorado. It was five days of teachings, worship, fellowship, meals, games, and heat. It was so encouraging. Also, tiring. Thank you for praying for the conference; the Lord indeed blessed it!   


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  3. Revive Leadership

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    Revive Leadership

    Did you realize that this is a direct command from the Bible? Above all else! In other words, there is nothing more important than Guarding Your Heart. Period. What we allow in our hearts affects everything else in our lives.


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  4. ReVive Leadership

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    ReVive Leadership

    Are you a leader at The Rock Church? Are you interested in hearing some amazing (and very relevant) teachings about spiritual gifts? If you answered “yes” to those questions, have we got a morning planned for you! Plan on joining us on Saturday, February 20 (Draper location) at 9:00 a.m. We will spend time worshiping, praying and listening to some very practical messages from John Meyer (our Mountains West Regional Leader) about spiritual gifts in the church and in our lives as well. All are welcome — leaders are expected.


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  5. Frontline Conference

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    Frontline Conference

    To live as a disciple of Jesus Christ means to love Jesus, and to love people like He does.

    But what does Jesus’ love look like in a Facebook culture that lists 40+ different choices for gender?

    How do we share about the love of the Father in a generation in which 50+% of American children grow up in broken homes, 40% are born out of wedlock, and it’s estimated that more than 685,000 experience abuse each year?


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