The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Fredrickson

  1. O Death, Where is Your Sting?

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    O Death, Where is Your Sting?

    One of the things that really gripes me about death is that it seems so final. We allow our minds to grasp the concept of that finality — “I will never see this person again.” or “No more holiday gatherings, no more meals, no more family reunions, no more jokes.” Death sucks. It separates us from the ones who we love and enjoy.


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  2. Kingdom Seeking

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    by Austin Fredrickson

    How many of you can testify that this life can be totally crazy? For a lot of us, there is a ton going on! Between work, school, marriage, kids, grandkids, church, ministry opportunities, friends, family, health issues, home improvements, etc… our time and attention can be spread really thin.


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  3. Stewards of Grace

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    by Austin Fredrickson

    God gives us all grace. He gives us grace in forgiving our sins when they do not deserve to be forgiven and He gives us grace in blessing us with many good things that we do not deserve. Personally, I feel like He has given me so much and I have a ton to be thankful for: my wife, my son, my house, my job, our church, a good education, food to eat everyday, etc, etc… You and I have been given so many good things, all by God’s grace.


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  4. In Raging Waves

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    In Raging Waves, a word from Pastor Austin Fredrickson

    The summer between my freshman and sophomore year in college, I bought a small, 16 foot sailboat that only held about four people. My favorite place to sail was on Lake Michigan; the lake was so huge you couldn’t see any side other than the one you left from. It felt like you were alone at sea with unlimited routes to take.


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