The Rock Church

Tag Archive: jesus

  1. “Break Away the Stone” is Available Now!

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    “Break Away the Stone” (featuring worship leader Skyler Murray) is the latest EP released by The Rock Music.

    “Break Away the Stone” (featuring worship leader Skyler Murray) is the latest EP released by The Rock Music. This powerful four-song worship project introduces their original track, “Win Build Send”, a song that encapsulates the mission of faith in action. Alongside this new anthem, the EP features The Rock Music’s unique take on beloved worship songs: “In Christ Alone,” “Shepherd,” and “Red Letters.”


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  2. Gentleness

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    Gentleness — a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The reality is that life always has a way of testing our gentleness. We snap at loved ones. We let frustration control our tone..."

    The world we live in today is certainly not known for being very gentle. This week, I watched a guy lose his mind on another dude when he took his parking spot. I also heard a guy blow up on his kids in the grocery store. And then this morning (as I write this), I have already scrolled through dozens of brutal comments of ruthless outrage about the political division in our country. (Many coming from my own brothers and sisters in Christ!)


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  3. Real Love

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    Real Love — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus calls me to love people. He’s reminded me of what real love is over the past few weeks (in a powerful way)."

    Jesus calls me to love people. He’s reminded me of what real love is over the past few weeks (in a powerful way).

    After spending some time studying the definition of love (according to 1 Corinthians 13), it became clear to me. Love is far more than our experience of emotions or pleasant feelings. It is, in fact, ACTION.

    The Apostle Paul used a compelling Greek word when he described love in Corinthians. That word was “agape.” Agape love is sacrificial, active, and far beyond words. Equally important, agape love is a determined act of will.

    What is more, knowing what that kind of love is, the Bible teaches us that we are to “love with action” our fellow Christians. Not only them but also those who do not know Jesus as their Savior.

    How Are You Doing?

    We are to actively love other Believers in several ways. It’s important to enjoy them (Acts 2) and be committed to them in community and mission (Hebrews 10). Additionally, we should bear each other’s burdens (Romans 12:15).

    As we actively love the Lost, we also need to show compassion (Matthew 9:36). It’s crucial to always share the Gospel with them (John 3:16) and love them authentically (Matthew 23:37).

    Jesus said in John 13:35: “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” This week, ask yourself, “How is my ‘love’ life?”

    All in all, do you sacrificially love your fellow Christians? How about actively loving the Lost around you with compassion and authenticity?

    Loving for the long haul,


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  4. Humility

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    Humility — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The point of humility is that God wants you to know Him. But pride always gets in the way of that. He wants to give you Himself."

    “Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.“ — Proverbs 18:12

    “For Pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.” -Timothy Keller

    Christian, when we walk in humility, we walk within the circle of God’s blessing. The world tells us that we need more power, money, fame, position, praise, more…more…more! The Bible, however, actually calls a person like that a leech. The world is a leech!

    “The leech has two suckers that cry out, “More, more!”  — Proverbs 30:15

    You see, God’s plan is the exact opposite of the world’s way. In the world, it’s always about more of me, more of me, and more of me. By contrast, the Lord tells us something else. We find true joy in thinking not less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves LESS.

    Pride is indeed competitive by its very nature. If I am a proud person, then as long as there is one person in the world more powerful, richer, or smarter than I am, that person is my rival and enemy. Pride always means division and separation. Not only between people but also between us and God.

    What It Is

    To be humble, however, is to recognize that you don’t always need to be correct. To be humble is to realize that you certainly don’t know everything. To be humble is to remember you can apologize when you’re wrong. To be humble is to recognize that you can finally stop pretending to be the best at everything. To be humble means you can absolutely have real friendships without having to “prove” yourself.

    The point of humility is that God wants you to know Him. But pride always gets in the way of that. He wants to give you Himself. And when you know Him, you will inevitably be humble — wonderfully humble! As a matter of fact, you will feel infinite relief. The relief of finally getting rid of all the silly nonsense of your inflated ego. It has only made you restless and unhappy all your life.

    For now, think about this. God is good, and He loves you. He wants what leads to your greatest joy. So, if He tells you that pride leads to destruction, by all means, we must learn to listen and obey. Therein lies true joy.

    This week, consider thinking of yourself less. Consider not fighting for first place but being content to be last. Not surprisingly, this is a pathway to joy.

    Seeking humility with you,


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  5. Jesus Saves

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    Jesus Saves — a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I visited with him in the hospital, we talked of eternity. Along with that, we discussed healing and being with Jesus."

    “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13)

    With Christmas just a couple weeks away, I’ve been contemplating eternal matters. I’d like to share two different true stories that I experienced a few years ago. They are similar stories but have different endings. Both accounts involve funerals. One involved someone I’d never met, the other a dear friend.


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  6. The Comfort of The Suffering Servant

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    The Comfort of The Suffering Servant — a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "God’s Word tells us that Jesus not only comes into our suffering but also redeems it. He sees every tear, feeling of hopelessness,"

    One of my best friend’s son has recently been in the hospital for several weeks. It has been heartbreaking to see their family walk through so much pain and uncertainty. In moments like those, when the weight of our struggles feels overwhelming, I find myself praying. I pray for the Lord to help us see that suffering, while deeply painful, is never without meaning. Equally important, we are never beyond the reach of our Great Comforter.

    A quote (often attributed to Augustine of Hippo) comes to mind: “God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” 


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  7. The Paths We Pave

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    The Paths We Pave — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT.  "First, we need to recognize that the paths we pave matter! No matter how small, every decision has a direction (and consequence)."

    Proverbs 5:21-23 gives us a sober reminder: “For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes.”

    Think about the truth of that verse for a second. Without a doubt, we live in a world where it’s all too easy to curate a perfect image on social media. An absolutely perfect outward appearance. In fact, we edit our feeds and filter our photos. Along with that, we keep a smile on our faces and make our lives look picture-perfect. It happens not only online but also in real life. But, even if we fool our followers and neighbors, God isn’t deceived. He sees everything. Because of this, no filter, highlight reel, or act we put on for others can hide the truth from Him. We’ve exposed our motivations, mistakes, and struggles to the One who examines every step we take.


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  8. Election Day

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    Election Day — a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "heading into election day, pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!” By all means, lead your family in praying"

    The election is less than two weeks away (November 5). Earlier this year, we took six weeks to study what the Bible teaches about politics in our King Jesus series. We specifically covered several important lessons during that time. Here are a few significant reminders as we approach election day. 

    It says in Jeremiah 29:7, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” More Christians voting biblically is a significant way we can bring good to our city, state, and country. 


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  9. “No One Knows Me Like You” is Out Now!

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    “No One Knows Me Like You” (featuring Caleb and Kelsea Yetton), is latest EP released by The Rock Music. This five-song body of work delivers original tracks such as title-track, “No One Knows Me Like You,” with “Holy Savior” and “Revolution Medicine.” NOKMLY also spotlights TRM’s take on the popular worship songs “All Hail King Jesus” and “You’re Beautiful.” 


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  10. Radical Transformation

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    Radical Transformation — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Like Paul, be willing to let go of preconceived notions and be open to God’s radical transformation of your life."

    In Galatians (Chapter 1), Paul wrote about the radical change that happened to him. Plus, it only could have occurred through the revelation given to him by Jesus Christ. His incredible change shocked him completely. In fact, he basically had to hang out (for three years) with a fellow brother to process it all.

    Before his life changed, I think that perhaps much of what he did was to look good in front of others and please them. I believe this because he eventually wrote (multiple times) that his drastic change, new identity, and Gospel didn’t come from man.


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