The Rock Church

Tag Archive: relationship

  1. Gentleness

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    Gentleness — a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The reality is that life always has a way of testing our gentleness. We snap at loved ones. We let frustration control our tone..."

    The world we live in today is certainly not known for being very gentle. This week, I watched a guy lose his mind on another dude when he took his parking spot. I also heard a guy blow up on his kids in the grocery store. And then this morning (as I write this), I have already scrolled through dozens of brutal comments of ruthless outrage about the political division in our country. (Many coming from my own brothers and sisters in Christ!)


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  2. Gratitude and Hope

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    Ephesians 1:15-21 is a set of verses that really encourages me. We glimpse Paul’s heart and his thankfulness for the church in Ephesus! He speaks with gratitude and hope. On top of that, he deeply desires the saints to continue their spiritual growth.

    First, Paul starts by expressing his gratitude for the Ephesians’ faith in Jesus. At the same time, he also expresses thanks for their love for the saints.


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  3. Don’t Put This Light Away!

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    Don’t Put This Light Away! – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "how you may feel about the Christmas lights coming down and getting packed away. However, I pray you’ll remember that the Light of the World"

    Christmas is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! But, the day after Christmas… not so much. Admittedly, all the excitement that went into putting up the Christmas lights is now nonexistent. The time has finally come to take them down.

    But certainly, don’t let December 26th be the day you put all of the excitement of Christmas away until next year. Instead, ponder the incarnation of God in the Lord Jesus Christ. It means He has come to illuminate our lives today and forevermore.


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  4. Refreshing

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    Refreshed – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Knowing God naturally refreshes everything. This includes our relationship with Him, ourselves, the lost, and other believers."

    We’re wrapping up our “Delighting in God’s Word” series at church, and I get the privilege of preaching our last teaching. As I’ve read and reflected on the verses, one thing comes up repeatedly. The author has such a refreshing relationship with the Lord that it literally changes every aspect of his life. This is equally true for each of us and is unique to the Christian faith. 


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  5. God’s Doing

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    God’s Doing – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "This is all God’s doing. He did it because He loves us and wants us to be in a covenant relationship with Him."

    I’ve been reading a book called “A Body of Divinity.” It was written in 1692 by a Puritan named Thomas Watson (I love the Puritans). 

    The chapter on the covenant of grace explains how much better it is to have that covenant than the previous covenant of works. He said something that I had to re-read a few times. Then I had to stop and think about it for a little while. I oftentimes have to do that because his excellent illustrations of truth and significant points about God’s Word challenge me. This particular point encouraged me so much that I wanted to share it with you.


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