The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Run to the Lord First

  1. Run to the Lord First

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    Run to the Lord First, a Word by Pastor Steele Croswhite of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

    “In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me,’Flee like a bird to your mountain?'” — Psalm 11:1

    I really love this verse. The reason I love it is because it is a reminder that we, as Christians, are to be vigilant to run to the Lord, first. We are to be vigilant to find our joy in the Lord.

    David was wrestling with some difficult life circumstances when he wrote this Psalm. When others were encouraging him to “flee to the mountain” to find rest, David reminded them that his rest was in the Lord. David was vigilant to turn to Jesus first, he was vigilant to find refuge and joy in Him.


    Posted in A Word from the Pastor by