The Rock Church

Tag Archive: spiritual growth

  1. Live by the Spirit

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    Live by the Spirit – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "ask the Holy Spirit for help when a conflict or a hard conversation develops. I ask myself, “What is the desired fruit from this situation,"

    “For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you bite and devour each other, watch out, or you will be destroyed by each other.” — Galatians 5:14-15

    The Fruit of the Spirit is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. Paul explains the fruits to the Galatians right after these verses. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These virtues are interconnected and essential for our spiritual growth.

    However, we can easily cultivate the opposite virtues. They entirely oppose the working of the Holy Spirit. Responding in our flesh leads to negative consequences, such as hate, despair, anxiety, impatience, cruelty, wickedness, unfaithfulness, harshness, and impulsiveness.


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  2. It Shall Not Return Empty

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    "so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose," – a word from Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT.

    “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” — Isaiah 55:11

    If you’re like my family and me, you take in and process a lot of words throughout the week. These words come to us through various means, whether reading books, watching the news, or listening to podcasts or sermons. We certainly live in a time when we hear words constantly. 

    For all of this reading and listening, God promises that only His Word will fulfill His purpose in authentic spiritual growth. 


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