The Rock Church

Tag Archive: suffering

  1. Humility

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    Humility — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The point of humility is that God wants you to know Him. But pride always gets in the way of that. He wants to give you Himself."

    “Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.“ — Proverbs 18:12

    “For Pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense.” -Timothy Keller

    Christian, when we walk in humility, we walk within the circle of God’s blessing. The world tells us that we need more power, money, fame, position, praise, more…more…more! The Bible, however, actually calls a person like that a leech. The world is a leech!

    “The leech has two suckers that cry out, “More, more!”  — Proverbs 30:15

    You see, God’s plan is the exact opposite of the world’s way. In the world, it’s always about more of me, more of me, and more of me. By contrast, the Lord tells us something else. We find true joy in thinking not less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves LESS.

    Pride is indeed competitive by its very nature. If I am a proud person, then as long as there is one person in the world more powerful, richer, or smarter than I am, that person is my rival and enemy. Pride always means division and separation. Not only between people but also between us and God.

    What It Is

    To be humble, however, is to recognize that you don’t always need to be correct. To be humble is to realize that you certainly don’t know everything. To be humble is to remember you can apologize when you’re wrong. To be humble is to recognize that you can finally stop pretending to be the best at everything. To be humble means you can absolutely have real friendships without having to “prove” yourself.

    The point of humility is that God wants you to know Him. But pride always gets in the way of that. He wants to give you Himself. And when you know Him, you will inevitably be humble — wonderfully humble! As a matter of fact, you will feel infinite relief. The relief of finally getting rid of all the silly nonsense of your inflated ego. It has only made you restless and unhappy all your life.

    For now, think about this. God is good, and He loves you. He wants what leads to your greatest joy. So, if He tells you that pride leads to destruction, by all means, we must learn to listen and obey. Therein lies true joy.

    This week, consider thinking of yourself less. Consider not fighting for first place but being content to be last. Not surprisingly, this is a pathway to joy.

    Seeking humility with you,


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  2. Parking Lot Parable

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    Parking Lot Parable — a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I pulled into my parking spot, and when I looked up, I noticed two cars near me backing straight into each other!"

    The other day, I ran a quick errand to the grocery store. I pulled into my parking spot, and when I looked up, I noticed two cars near me backing straight into each other! The drivers were looking left and right but not behind them! With a split second to act, I honked my horn loudly without delay. As a result, both cars slammed on their brakes, narrowly averting an accident. 

    But I don’t think one of the drivers understood why I honked. After pausing, the driver continued to back out, glaring at me the whole time. I pointed at the other car they had almost hit. However, their facial expression suggested they had no idea why I honked. In fact, my honking had made them pretty angry.

    Afterward, I processed this parking lot incident as I walked into the grocery store. I had seen an accident about to happen. And I had done something to prevent it. But the driver who glared at me had no idea why I did what I did. 

    Then it hit me. This is a tiny glimpse into the mind of God. 

    God sees all of time and space. He not only knows the past, present, and future, but is all-powerful. Additionally, He is our Good Father. But the Lord does things and brings situations into our lives that make no sense (from our earthly perspectives). Along with my own life, I can think of numerous trials and difficulties my friends and family are dealing with. Very hard things.

    Truth Speaks

    But the Bible repeatedly speaks of the idea that God uses these difficult things for our ultimate good.  So, through tears, these truths speak to us. 

    • “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28
    • “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” — 1 Peter 5:10
    • “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” — James 1:12
    • “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” — Genesis 50:20

    These verses present profound and yet challenging truths. Like the driver who glared at me, we often don’t understand why God has brought this or that trial into our lives. It certainly doesn’t make any sense. Also, it’s very difficult to accept. But faith is trusting that God sees what we don’t and knows what He is doing. Equally important, He is powerful and good. 

    So, through tears, we strive to trust and not glare.


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  3. The Comfort of The Suffering Servant

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    The Comfort of The Suffering Servant — a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "God’s Word tells us that Jesus not only comes into our suffering but also redeems it. He sees every tear, feeling of hopelessness,"

    One of my best friend’s son has recently been in the hospital for several weeks. It has been heartbreaking to see their family walk through so much pain and uncertainty. In moments like those, when the weight of our struggles feels overwhelming, I find myself praying. I pray for the Lord to help us see that suffering, while deeply painful, is never without meaning. Equally important, we are never beyond the reach of our Great Comforter.

    A quote (often attributed to Augustine of Hippo) comes to mind: “God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” 


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  4. Lord, I Can Rest Now, I’m Known

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    Lord, I Can Rest Now, I’m Known — a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus came to make us whole and give us rest. He lived, died, and rose again so we could be fully known and fully loved."

    The Rock Music has recently released our new EP, “No One Knows Me Like You.” Writing, recording, and playing music for Jesus and the local church is so gratifying. These songs are some that I am most proud of as a musician. At the same time, serving the Lord in this way humbles me. One common theme of this new music (mainly subconsciously) is finding a home in Jesus. And ultimately, a place where He knows me and I can rest in Him. 


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  5. Gain

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    Gain — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I think that even in the tragic loss of my dear wife to cancer, I’m convinced Jeanne has gained. I miss her immensely."

    I gained encouragement during some interactions I’ve had with my oncologist. I will share it with you in the hope that you will be encouraged as well.

    My oncologist has helped me with my ongoing cancer challenges and was at the helm through my sweet wife Jeanne’s battle with cancer. Back then, we used to joke with him that we were his two-for-one clients. I often thank him for his tireless attention to his cancer patients. He genuinely cares for me and my family. Consequently (and like all of us), he was especially burdened when Jeanne lost her battle with cancer.


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  6. Astounded

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    Astounded — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I was astounded not just by what I was hearing but also by how Jesus had aligned this incredible encounter to begin with."

    There is nothing quite like being astounded by Jesus. Obviously, Jesus is always amazing, but sometimes, in our faith journey, He occasionally orchestrates something genuinely astounding.

    In July, The Rock Church Youth Group attended our annual DTC (Discipleship Training Camp) in Colorado. It was a tremendous few days where our young men and women played tons of games, sang songs, and laughed with friends. What is more, they learned the biblical roadmap for godly manhood and womanhood. For this particular DTC, the men and women were in two separate camps — about an hour away from each other.


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  7. Jesus in the Middle

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    Jesus in the Middle – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Allow Jesus to get in between you and your trials. Imagine Him stepping into the middle of your despair, grief, pain, or stress."

    As a pastor, I am for sure not immune to feeling overwhelmed by difficulties. Also, whether it’s physical, mental, or emotional, life can sometimes make me feel like I’m drowning.

    Perhaps the disciples felt this way. In fact, in the gospels of John, Mark, and Matthew, we are told how these fishers of men were overwhelmed with fear at the sight of their teacher walking on water through a storm. As a result, it says they were “terrified” because they thought they saw a ghost!

    Isn’t it good to know we are not the only ones who experience fear and anxiety?


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  8. The Best Ending

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    The Best Ending — a word by Pastor Bryan Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "….the story is not ending how I want it to. I think life can often feel like that. A book leads me to places I don’t want to go."

    (In previous posts I have shared my journey through grief and the many ways the Lord has walked with me. This is my latest entry in that collection. These posts have been helpful for me to write and look back on. When intense waves of sadness come, I read them. In the same way, I hope that in your times of sorrow, they can help you as well.)

    Over the last year, I’ve read a book series I’ve fallen in love with. But recently, I’ve had to take a break from it. You see, as much as I love the story, I am equally dreading what will happen next. Without giving away any spoilers, I will just say this….the story is not ending how I want it to.


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  9. Pray About Everything

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    Pray About Everything – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The right response is to pray about everything. Perhaps you feel like you’re in an uphill battle. Are you distraught, downtrodden, sick,..."

    The right response is to pray about everything. Perhaps you feel like you’re in an uphill battle. Are you distraught, downtrodden, sick, bankrupt, or confused? Oftentimes, life can be utterly brutal. And yet, in the same life, we can also experience the downhill thrill of blessings. Being in love, landing the perfect job, receiving gifts, learning new skills, having children, going on vacation, hearing, tasting, and so on.

    In all our ups and downs, the Apostle Paul encourages us to assume the position of prayer.


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  10. The Cup of Blessing

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    The Cup of Blessing — a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "how richly blessed we are to be His children. It always goes far beyond the material blessing of His provision"

    Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!” — Psalm 16:5-6

    Have you ever wondered where your life might be apart from knowing Jesus as your Savior? If not, spend a moment pondering what that might have looked like.

    It certainly doesn’t take long to realize how richly blessed we are to be His children. It always goes far beyond the material blessing of His provision. We no doubt find that in our homes or aligning with our interests. Looking deeper, however, we also see a life filled with grace, forgiveness, purpose, hope, and beauty.


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