The Rock Church

Tag Archive: the rock church

  1. The End is Near

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    The End is Near – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "Are we living in the end times? YES! If it’s not here today or tomorrow, then it’s very near. The disciples asked Jesus the same question..."

    “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” — Matthew 24:14 (NIV84)

    I can’t count the number of times I’ve been asked recently, “Are we living in the end times?” This is understandable considering what we are currently facing: COVID-19, earthquakes (in Utah), protests, riots, racism, drought (and Utah wildfires), political unrest, anger, anarchy, assaults, hatred, murder, etc. Just like birth pains, the earth seems to be reeling in anticipation of what we know to be the return of Christ.


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  2. Where Does My Help Come From?

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    Where Does My Help Come From – a word by Pastor Bryan Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "ask yourself, “Where does my help come from?”Where do you look for relief? Like the Psalmist, may our response always be “My help comes from the Lord.”

    “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.” — Psalm 121:1-3

    I woke up today feeling pretty exhausted. Not physically (I slept great) but spiritually. My anxious mind has been filled with worry and angst. I keep thinking about all that’s going on in the world; it feels like my thoughts have run a marathon before my feet even touch the ground. Maybe you’ve had days like this recently as well? We can easily wonder where does our help come from?


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  3. A Heart for the Lord

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    A Heart for the Lord – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "I am greatly convicted by Ezra’s humble heart for the Lord. My prayer is to grow in my zeal for God’s Word. I yearn to have my eyes opened..."

    Having recently finished the book of Ezra, I was greatly encouraged and convicted by this Old Testament priest’s example. He clearly had a genuine heart for the Lord. 

    Let me give you a little background on Ezra. While the people of Israel were in captivity in Persia, God put it on the heart of Persian King Artaxerxes to have the temple in Jerusalem rebuilt. How cool is that?! God can use anyone for His purposes. After the temple restoration was complete, Ezra was sent by the king to teach the people living in Jerusalem about the Law of God. 


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  4. A Message for the Parents of The Rock Church

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    Dear Rock Parents,

    As you can imagine, we are very excited to be meeting together again starting THIS weekend — June 20 & 21!

    We believe the gathering of God’s people is so vital and beneficial for us as Believers. However, due to the regulations regarding COVID-19 (and the precautions we’re taking for your safety), there will be no Kid’s Rock classes offered at this time. 


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  5. Looking forward to seeing you soon as we reopen!

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    The pastors have made the decision to reopen our weekend worship services to the public on the weekend of June 20 & 21! We will meet at our regular times (6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday). There is no pressure to attend — we totally understand if you can’t. But, we’d love to have you join us if you feel ready and are comfortable.

    In light of this reopening, we’d like to share some of the changes you can expect when you arrive back in our building. First, our heart is to honor Jesus and to keep our flock safe by heeding some basic social distancing guidelines from our state, federal and medical leaders. Keeping that in mind, here are just a few of the restrictions that we will implement as we reopen. (Note: These Guidelines are only temporary until we are confident that we can move ahead safely.)


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  6. Changed Hearts

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    Changed Hearts – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "We need to start with our hearts and stand up for those being oppressed. We have a sin issue we need to deal with. Changed hearts will change policy."

    To be honest, I am exhausted, tired and my brain is all over the place. To put one thought in front of another seems almost impossible. You get on social media and everyone is trying to sway you one way or another. You’re told you aren’t doing enough, you are doing too much, you aren’t saying the right thing…the list goes on. Those who are close to you might also be pushing you one way or the other. They might be telling you the same things you’re hearing from social media. What are you supposed to focus on right now — Covid-19, racism, immigration, environmental issues, police reform, or just getting through the day with your kids doing school at home (while you’re trying to work from home)?!


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  7. Let the Word of God Lead You

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    Dear Church, Together with you, we continue to be troubled by the events in our world regarding race and racism. Naturally, there are multiple voices we turn to in these times of uncertainty. For example, many of us turn to our favorite author or speakers. Some of us look to our news outlets, social media feeds or friends/family for direction. Though many of these are fine resources, as your pastors, we would encourage you (above all other resources), to let the Word of God lead you.

    Even in our restlessness, our fears and our questions, God’s Word remains the same. Truly, the Word of God is alive and powerful!


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  8. The Beatitudes

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    The Beatitudes – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "I’ve found a lot of wisdom and comfort in the Beatitudes lately. If you’re not sure what the Beatitudes are, they’re eight little proverbs that Jesus used."

    I’ve found a lot of wisdom and comfort in the Beatitudes lately. If you’re not sure what the Beatitudes are, they’re eight little proverbs that Jesus used as an introduction to His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, Chapter 5.

    I think one of the reasons they’ve been so encouraging to me is because there is no circumstance in which these truths should or shouldn’t be applied. These eight gold mines (that our King and friend Jesus teaches us) are timeless, incredibly practical and able to be applied to all areas of our lives. 


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  9. Hope of Jesus

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    Have you sensed that now, more than ever, we need the hope of Jesus? In unbelievable ways, our culture is divided, scared, enraged and much like a sheep without a shepherd.

    Together with you, we are heartbroken over the racial divides, injustices, murders, riots, bigotry, fear and hate spreading across our country. Like you, we are saddened and seeking Jesus for an appropriate response to somehow speak love to our brothers and sisters who have had to live with racism and hate in ways many of us will never know. How do we tell them that we love them without it seeming small? How do we become more involved without it seeming trite? 


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  10. Loving My Neighbors

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    Loving My Neighbors – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I’ve been thinking a lot about loving my neighbors. The Bible is crystal clear on this point; the onus of obedience is on me."

    It’s with a deep conviction that I’ve been thinking a lot about loving my neighbors. The Bible is crystal clear on this point; the onus of obedience is on me. Here is one of just many verses on loving your neighbors (I love how James quotes from the Old Testament and refers to it as the royal law).

    “Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” — James 2:8 (NLT)


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