The Rock Church

Tag Archive: the rock church

  1. Be in Faith

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    Be in Faith, a word by pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "Fear is the opposite of faith, and God wants us to trust Him. Here are a few reminders to help you courageously face each new day that lies ahead:"

    Hello, Church!

    It’s obvious we are entering into uncharted territory and many people are confused and fearful of the future. That is understandable. But, let’s make sure we put our trust in God and direct our fears to Jesus. I love what it says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” Amen!


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  2. Give Hope

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    We have an opportunity to encourage and give hope to a world around us that is looking desperately for a place to turn.

    I wanted to share a story that I recently heard about how Christians lived out their faith in Ancient Rome. Watch the video above to hear it.


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  3. Update on Coronavirus and Weekend Services

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    Greetings, Rock Church!

    The Rock Pastors want to update you on where we are, in response to the rising concerns about the COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Salt Lake City and the United States.

    First of all, in an effort to ensure a healthy and safe environment for our entire church family, and in an effort to adhere to Governor Herbert’s recent request that large group meetings be limited to 100 people or less, we have decided to suspend all Rock Church services and large group meetings from now through the end of March.


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  4. Our Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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    Hello Rock Church,
    We have been closely following the news related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the last few weeks. Like many of you, we are thinking and praying about how to best prepare and protect our families and church. Some of you have asked what The Rock Church is doing (specifically) to prepare?      

    So i thought about this and how exposed are the older adults to this pandemic virus and the special cares they might because they are in high risk of getting infected.
    As your pastors, foremost, we have been praying for God’s protection and guidance (Philippians 4:6-7).  We must remember that the Lord is in charge of these events and they don’t change His love and care for us. With that said, He also directs us to prepare in the face of danger (Nehemiah 4:9).   


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  5. Pastor Mac Update

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    Dear friends,

    Thank you so very much for praying for my family and supporting us in so many practical and loving ways. It’s incredibly humbling, to say the least.

    Please note that we started a CaringBridge journal to help document the upcoming medical challenges we will most likely face. We want to try to channel the many inquiries many of you have had and do have. For the latest updates from our family, you can simply go to the CaringBridge home page and type in stevemcinroy2.


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  6. Daniel Was Greatly Loved and So Are We

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    Greatly Love, a word by pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. “O Daniel... At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved."

    A while ago, I decided to read my Bible cover to cover. As I read through the book of Daniel, I took my time. I want to encourage you with one application I gleaned from Chapters 9 and 10.

    In chapter 9 verse 2, He writes, “I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years.” I appreciate how he understood God’s Word and believed Jeremiah’s writing to be reliable. He believed that God would keep His Word. What he read he believed. What he believed he applied.


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  7. Missions Gala

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    Our Second Annual Missions Gala

    What an unforgettable evening we have planned for you! We are hosting our second annual Missions Gala on Friday, March 6 (7-9:00 p.m.) at The Rock Church (11630 S 700 E, Draper). This remarkable event is designed to help raise funds and awareness for the current Missions and Cares Ministry involvement at The Rock Church. We’re hoping you will support these worthwhile efforts by attending this elegant gala.


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  8. Repeat and Teach

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    Repeat and Teach, a word by pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "There are countless times someone will tell me something and I have to ask them to repeat it. Repeating is actually a great thing;"

    As humans, we are inherently distracted. Add to that, all of our day-to-day technology and communication — we are simply inundated with pings, pops, notifications and buzzes. It’s amazing that we retain any information at all!

    At the end of John 21, Jesus asked Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter replied “yes” and Jesus said, “then feed my lambs.” That interchange went on three separate times. If I was Peter, I would have been super irritated and certainly wouldn’t have taken it as a learning experience. I would have thought, “I heard you the first time, Jesus.” But Jesus, being all knowing, understands that we need to hear things a few times before they really sink in. What a wonderful example for us to learn from.


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