The Rock Church

Tag Archive: the rock church

  1. A Hunger for True Bread

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    A Hunger for True Bread – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "We need the spiritual food that only comes from Him. And He invites us to His table and offers us this bread."

    “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” –John 6:35 

    I love bread. When I am not eating it, I am for sure thinking about when I will eat it again. Additionally, I am very blessed because my wife knows how to bake fantastic bread, and does it a lot! Lately, there have been days where we don’t have just one or two, but sometimes THREE, fresh, hot loaves of bread to partake of throughout the day. 


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  2. Patience and Seeking in Faith

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    Patience and Seeking in Faith – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "seeking God isn’t passive. It’s not just about sitting back. Instead, it’s a deliberate pursuit of undoubtedly engaging in prayer,"

    “Don’t care how I want it now.” Veruca Salt sings these words while dancing in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. She also insists that she gets what she wants when she wants it. It’s easy to cringe at her horrible attitude. We tell ourselves we are certainly not like that. But on the whole, in our fast-paced world, patience is not something most of us have enough of.

    Get Rich Quick! Lose Weight Fast! Get Instant Access! We all see a good deal of these types of headlines while scrolling on our phones. It’s everywhere — instant gratification in everything from communication to consuming movies to getting meals.


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  3. “Radical Parenting” Conference

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    The Rock Church in Draper, UT is hosting their "Radical Parenting" Conference on September 8 & 9, 2023. Visit to register.

    It’s critical that we get radical in our parenting approaches if we are going to raise godly kids in this broken world. An incredible amount of time, money, and energy goes into raising them and we want to do it right. But, we live in a world that doesn’t really know how to help. Fortunately for us, God’s Word has a number of key principles for radical/godly parenting.


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  4. Chosen

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    Chosen – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "We shouldn’t grumble for not having the worldly positions and possessions others have. Instead, we need to thank God that we are His chosen"

    In Numbers 16, we read about some men who rebelled against Moses and Aaron. They were angry and envious of Moses and Aaron’s position among the congregation of Israel. Also, they assumed that Moses and Aaron were making themselves out to be more holy than the rest of Israel. Along with that, these rebels wanted to be recognized as great men, also. However, instead of humbly going to the Lord about their thoughts, they grumbled and rebelled.


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  5. Grace Rules!

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    Grace Rules! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "... clarified how to live and discern right from wrong. Admittedly, you might even call it a love letter (in the form of rules) ..."

    Being told what to do seems acceptable (and popular). Sometimes I just want someone to tell me what to do or show me how to do it. YouTube (and many other social media avenues) provide countless how-to videos. Without looking too far, you can quickly learn how to fix your hair, car, appliances, relationships, and phone. Additionally, you can learn to sing, ski, jump on a pogo stick, swim, speak a foreign language, and exercise. And the list certainly goes on…


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  6. 20/20 Vision

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    20/20 Vision – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "clarity, joy, and purpose that only He can bring. Pray to Him, offer away — you’re about to live a life of 20/20 vision."

    “O Lord, I give my life to you.” — Psalm 25:1

    This is undoubtedly the most profound prayer of my heart. It’s a simple little sentence found at the top of Psalm 25 — “O Lord, I give my life to you.”

    Christian, is there anyone (or anything) more wonderful, more powerful, more satisfying than Jesus to give our lives to?


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  7. God’s Will and Faithcamp

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    “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” — James 4:13-15

    A few weeks ago, many people from our church attended the Faithcamp/DTC Conference in Alamosa, Colorado. It was five days of teachings, worship, fellowship, meals, games, and heat. It was so encouraging. Also, tiring. Thank you for praying for the conference; the Lord indeed blessed it!   


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  8. Entrusted

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    Entrusted – a word by Pastor Bill Young from the Rock Church in Draper, UT. “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.”

    “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” — Luke 12:48

    Recently, I taught a message from Romans 3:1-8. Those verses are clear. God entrusts us with His Word. In fact, as disciples, we must unapologetically share the Good News of the Gospel of Grace to a lost world.

    If we want to see lives changed, we need to take personal responsibility for this charge. But, if you are like me, we can often feel like Moses when he complained, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.” — Exodus 4:13 (NIV84)


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  9. “My” Gospel??

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    “My” Gospel?? – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. “God’s gospel” or “the Gospel of Jesus,” the Apostle Paul said, “my gospel.” This has naturally confused some people as they first read it."

    In Romans 2:16, rather than say “God’s gospel” or “the Gospel of Jesus,” the Apostle Paul said, “my gospel.” This has naturally confused some people as they first read it.

    Throughout Paul’s many epistles, he writes the phrase “my gospel.” Additionally, he also notes “the Gospel of God” numerous times — including in Romans 1:1. In that verse, Paul said He was an Apostle of the Gospel of God.


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  10. Mission to the City 2023: Sign-ups

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    We are on mission! In our never-ending effort to love God and people, we will join together as a church for our annual Mission To The City (August 19-26). This is an incredible opportunity for you, your family, and your friends to go on mission right here in Utah. We have over 25 projects with 300 different volunteer slots available. You don’t want to miss out on this chance to make a huge impact in people’s lives. You can volunteer in as many areas as your schedule allows. Please contact Pastor Mac with questions (

    Each mission below has an individual sign up. Please read through the description and follow the sign up link. Feel free to sign up for as many missions as you can.


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