The Rock Church

Tag Archive: tony damico

  1. Make it a Habit

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    Make it a habit, a word by pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "Let His Word be a light to your life and have a goal to be in the Bible more consistently in 2020. Here are some different plans..."

    “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” — Psalm 119:105

    As the new year approaches, it’s natural to set goals — things we want to get better at or maybe stop doing. This verse really speaks to me in terms of that goal setting. Unless we have a planned path to walk, we won’t move in the right direction. If we can’t see where we are going, we’ll stumble around in the darkness.


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  2. Live in Fellowship

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    “They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity — all the while praying God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” — Acts 2:46-47

    This formula for living (as Luke writes in Acts) is not any different than how we should live our lives today. Go to church on the weekend, share communion together, hang out after church, be in Small Groups, be generous to the community around us and to those within our church body. God will use these times to give us opportunities where we can share our stories and the love of Jesus. He will then save those around us!


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  3. Be Kind

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    I hope you’ve been encouraged as you’ve read daily through the book of Proverbs (as we’re going through our Get Wisdom series)?! It has been so good to grab these little truths and apply them throughout the day. What a way to build a habit that is going to help us live godlier lives. 

    One verse that recently stuck out to me was, “Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you.” — Proverbs 11:17 (NLT)


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  4. Steps of Good

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    Steps of Good, a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

    “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” – Romans 10:15b

    I recently came across this verse in a study I’m doing with my Small Group. It really challenged me because I saw it from a new and different perspective.


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  5. Light & Truth

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    Light & Truth, a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

    It’s amazing how personal our God is! There are points in our lives when we have discouragement, times of doubt, times we question if God is really listening to us. Or, has He just tossed us aside? These thoughts are real and we can wonder if we are the only ones who think them?

    Reading through the Psalms (Chapters 42 – 43, NLT), the Psalmist writes about how he is feeling doubt and discouragement. His enemy is all around him, taunting him; he is alone. He has the real sense that God has tossed him aside and isn’t answering his prayers.


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  6. Traps

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    Traps, A Blog post by Pastor Tony D'Amico of The Rock Church in Utah

    “If a bird sees a trap being set, it knows to stay away.” — Proverbs 1:17 (NLT)

    I find a bit of irony in this verse. As human beings, most of us would say we are smarter than birds — that we can make better decisions for ourselves than birds can. But, it’s pretty clear from this verse that when a bird sees a trap being set, it knows to stay away. We’re not quite that smart.


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  7. Thrill

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    Thrill, a Word from Tony D'Amico of The Rock Church in Utah

    I love the thrill of roller coasters. There is just something about them — the anticipation while I am waiting in line, the grinding and clanking sounds while I slowly move to the top, and then… the drop! I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about it. I usually go through the entire ride with a huge smile on my face. As it comes to the end, I get super pumped and want to do it all over again!


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