The Rock Church

Tag Archive: trc

  1. “The Kingdom Calling” Series

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    "The Kingdom Calling" A new series at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Jesus has called His Followers to a meaningful purpose and mission for this life. It’s a life-changing, global perspective that has been entrusted to all Christians.

    An Inspiring, New Series at The Rock Church

    What is the purpose of the Christian life? What has Jesus saved us for? As Believers, are we simply biding our time on this earth until we get to heaven …? Or, could there be a higher calling on our lives — a kingdom calling? We believe there is.


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  2. Mask Mandate Ending in Utah and TRC’s Plans

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    Hi, Rock Church ~~ We had an amazing Easter celebration last weekend! All three services were full, there were 17 salvations, 20 baptisms and tons of new people! Celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus together was an incredible blessing. 

    I have a quick COVID update for you. As you may know, Governor Cox (and the Utah State Legislature) recently passed a bill that will eliminate any mask requirements in the state of Utah (as of April 10, 2021). 


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  3. Online Services Only This Weekend (March 27 & 28)

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    Important COVID Update

    Attention Rock Church Family,

    With the goal of keeping you informed, we wanted to notify you that yesterday (March 25), we became aware of six people who have tested positive for COVID-19. They were in attendance at church on Saturday, March 20. At the time of that church service, these individuals were not showing any symptoms of infection. They all wore masks during the service, when they were unable to social distance.


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  4. Jesus is Alive — Easter 2021

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    Jesus is Alive - Join us for our special Easter weekend at The Rock Church in Draper, UT.

    “When they found the stone rolled away from the entrance, they went in. But they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus… Suddenly two men in shining white clothes stood beside them… the men said, ‘Why are you looking in the place of the dead for someone who is alive? Jesus isn’t here! He has been raised from death.'” — Luke 24:2-6

    For Christians, Easter is the most significant event and celebration of the year. It’s both an amazing and remarkable part of our world’s history. People will gather together around the world to celebrate His death and resurrection — Jesus is Alive!


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  5. Finding Christ in Christmas Series

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    Join us at The Rock Church this Christmas season as we discover Finding Christ in Christmas

    “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).” — Matthew 1:21-23 

    Too often, the true meaning of Christmas gets lost in the hype of the season. With an overload of activities to attend, presents to buy and people to see, we can easily forget what Christmas is truly about. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reminder of what we’re really celebrating? 


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  6. Our Sunday Service New Time & Location

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    Hi, Rock Church! I’ve got a question for you, “It’s Sunday, August 2 at 10:00 a.m. – do you know where your church service is?”

    If you said, “It’s in the sanctuary of The Rock Church building,” you would be wrong!

    In an effort to accommodate more people at our Sunday services and have room for plenty of social distancing, The Rock Church pastors have gotten creative. We’ve decided to move our Sunday service to our north lawn!


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  7. A Message for the Parents of The Rock Church

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    Dear Rock Parents,

    As you can imagine, we are very excited to be meeting together again starting THIS weekend — June 20 & 21!

    We believe the gathering of God’s people is so vital and beneficial for us as Believers. However, due to the regulations regarding COVID-19 (and the precautions we’re taking for your safety), there will be no Kid’s Rock classes offered at this time. 


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  8. Looking forward to seeing you soon as we reopen!

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    The pastors have made the decision to reopen our weekend worship services to the public on the weekend of June 20 & 21! We will meet at our regular times (6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday). There is no pressure to attend — we totally understand if you can’t. But, we’d love to have you join us if you feel ready and are comfortable.

    In light of this reopening, we’d like to share some of the changes you can expect when you arrive back in our building. First, our heart is to honor Jesus and to keep our flock safe by heeding some basic social distancing guidelines from our state, federal and medical leaders. Keeping that in mind, here are just a few of the restrictions that we will implement as we reopen. (Note: These Guidelines are only temporary until we are confident that we can move ahead safely.)


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  9. The Rock Church Reopening Announcement

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    Hello, Rock Church! The pastors asked me to update you on the status of The Rock Church Reopening. Many of you have been asking, and we have some great news. We are planning on reopening our church building to the public on the weekend of June 20 & 21! 

    As a result of our reopening, I’d like to share some of the changes you can expect when you arrive back in our building. Above all, our heart is to honor Jesus and keep our flock safe by heeding some basic social distancing guidelines from our state, federal and medical leaders. Keeping that in mind, here are just a few of the restrictions we’ll implement: (Note: These new guidelines are only temporary until we can be confident we may move ahead safely.)


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