The Rock Church

Tag Archive: trial

  1. Grafted

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    Grafted – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The joy of being grafted will reveal itself in a weight of glory that we will never see this side of eternity. To suffer with Him and for Him"

    In his last published book, “The Excellency of a Broken Heart,” the great puritan author John Bunyan wrote:

    “Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some men seem to think . . . . It is wounding work, of course, this breaking of the hearts, but without wounding there is no saving. . . . Where there is grafting there is a cutting. The scion must be let in with a wound; to stick it on to the outside or to tie it on with a string would be of no use. The heart must be set to heart and back to back, or there will be no sap from root to branch, and this, I say, must be done by a wound.”

    Many blessings come with God’s gift of salvation. However, there are also many troubles and pains. There is the breaking down of our earthly bodies, the desires and temptations of our sinful flesh, and satan (the prowling lion) wishing to destroy us and ruin the joy and goodness in our lives. Additionally, hate and venom are directed toward us from a world the unregenerate part of us so longs to please. 


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  2. What Do You Want?

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    What Do You Want? – a word from Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus IS asking us that very question each day, “What do you want ME to do for YOU?” Of course, He knows precisely what we want"

    “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” — Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV84)

    We recently asked our kids for Christmas gift ideas. Some of them went above and beyond the call of duty. They sent us their “Wish List” from Amazon! Welcome to the technology age. This electronic wish list certainly proved to be very helpful. Specifically, it showed us that our kids took our request seriously; they knew what they wanted. I think God wants us to have the same heart attitude.


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  3. Trust in Him at All Times

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    “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” — Psalm 62:5-8

    I’m not exactly sure what each of you is going through. But I know that, most likely, we are staring something in the face that brings us to a place of needing to trust Jesus. Perhaps in the past weeks (or in the coming weeks), you are wrestling with trusting Jesus. 


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  4. A Lot on My Mind

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    A Lot on My Mind – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I’ve never considered myself a person who worried or was anxious. But I’m learning I can hide it when I am. That’s not good. I shouldn’t bury or hide it."

    I know we’re all busy. So many things occupy our thoughts and time. Some seasons are certainly busier than others. I’m in one of those seasons of life right now. With it comes overthinking, under-sleeping, and a good dose of worrying.

    When I’ve got a lot going on, I make lists. To-do lists, to-buy lists, fix-it lists, need-to-schedule lists, calls-to-make lists, work lists, family lists, church lists…and on it goes. I even write my lists with a physical pen and paper! 


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  5. Rejoice Always

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    Rejoice Always – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "No matter what the circumstances, life can be (and is) very hard to rejoice in. But, that is exactly what the Lord calls us to do!"

    “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)

    It can be so easy to be discouraged. Whether it’s something in our own lives or the world around us, we are surrounded by hard situations and events. Perhaps your health is deteriorating, your job is going poorly, or your marriage is in shambles? Maybe a loved one is struggling? Do you look at the state of our world today and wonder what will happen next? No matter what the circumstances, life can be (and is) very hard to rejoice in. But, that is exactly what the Lord calls us to do!


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  6. Smooth Stones

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    Smooth Stones – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in draper, UT. " The long line of white surf comes up with its everlasting roar, and rattles and thunders among the stones on the shore."

    In a recent message, I shared an illustration that has made an unmistakable impact on my life. I found this story in the devotional by L.B. Cowman, “Streams In The Desert” (July 7 entry):

    “There is a very famous “Pebble Beach” at Pescadero, on the California coast. The long line of white surf comes up with its everlasting roar, and rattles and thunders among the stones on the shore. They are caught in the arms of the pitiless waves, and tossed and rolled, and rubbed together, and ground against the sharp-grained cliffs. Day and night forever the ceaseless attrition goes on–never any rest. And the result?


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  7. Hurting

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    Hurting – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "If you are hurting, please reach out to someone. You are not alone — you are surrounded by brothers and sisters who love you."

    “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.” — John 12:27

    These were Jesus’ words before He was betrayed and crucified. If anyone knows about suffering, it’s Jesus. His suffering was foretold in the book of Genesis. In fact, the prophet Isaiah even called Him the “Man of Sorrows”.


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  8. Faith Test

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    Faith Test – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus knows what’s around the corner for you. As with Joseph, He is building your character and your faith. Just like Joseph,"

    “These patriarchs were jealous of their brother Joseph, and they sold him to be a slave in Egypt. But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles. And God gave him favor before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. God also gave Joseph unusual wisdom, so that Pharaoh appointed him governor over all of Egypt and put him in charge of the palace.” — Acts 7:9-10

    Bad news seems to be everywhere. Without a doubt, it’s hard to have faith when things look bad. There’s tremendous turmoil in the world around us, complicated health troubles, and incredibly hard days.


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  9. Seek in Faith

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    Seek in Faith – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "God’s wisdom is available to all and is given very generously to those who ask! There is only one condition — we need to ask in FAITH"

    “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all of his ways.” — James 1:5-8

    How often we have opposition or trials in our lives and try to handle them on our own. It’s easy to do because we love to fix our own problems and help others fix theirs. But, we need to remember not to rely on our own wisdom in doing this; we need the wisdom of God. When we’re faced with troubles, He will help us generously, without hesitation.


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