Who We Are / About the Rock
About The Rock
The Rock is a revolution in church. We believe Jesus Christ was the ultimate revolutionary for social and spiritual change. Our foundation is His Word, the Bible. Without watering down or compromising the truth of the Bible, we seek to incorporate Christ’s teachings and values into our everyday lives. We’re committed to loving our enemies, refusing to judge people, being kind, and treating others as we wish to be treated. We seek to love as God loves.
As a group, we focus on God and people, not tradition or ritual. We aren’t interested in the status quo, or in keeping old conventions. We want to change the perception of church, and what people experience when they attend. Our vision is simple: One life at a time, one world in our lifetime.
When you walk inside the doors of The Rock Church, you’ll find a relaxed, casual environment, meaningful teachings, and spectacular music. You’ll find a place where spiritual exploration and growth is nonthreatening and exciting, a place to celebrate God’s existence, and to engage in the new life that is available through His Son, Jesus Christ.
For many, church attendance has been a bad experience. We recognize that, by the thousands, people have stopped attending church because they feel it’s been nothing more than a broken and ineffective experience with a hypocritical institution. That’s why it’s time for a change — meaningful, effective, revolutionary change.
We think there is a place for something new, and The Rock Church is that place. We seek to work together, in unity, to reach the world for Jesus Christ, starting here in Utah.
Welcome to the revolution.