The Rock Church

Weekend service times

Saturday at 6:00pm & Sunday at 9:30 & 11:15am

  • The Rock Church has been serving Utah for over 25 years and we are so excited for this year's Mission To The City (MTTC) July 27 to Aug 4.
  • In this six-week series, we'll take a closer look at what His Word says for our political year.
  • This nine-week series will help reveal how knowledge of the Truth will ultimately affect the way we live inside of the Church and in front of a watching world.
  • Just think about what we could do if we eliminated all our debt in 2024. The possibilities aren't hard to imagine. We could plant new churches, begin a building addition, create more services, or engage in more outreach. Without a doubt, even more lives would be changed.

About The Rock Church

The Rock is a revolution in church. We believe Jesus Christ was the ultimate revolutionary for social and spiritual change. Our foundation is His Word, the Bible. Without watering down or comprising the truth of the Bible, we seek to incorporate Christ’s teachings and values into our everyday lives. We’re committed to loving our enemies, refusing to judge people, being kind, and treating others as we wish to be treated. We seek to love as God loves.
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Who is Jesus?

In all of human history, there has never been a person more controversial, more hated, and more loved than Jesus Christ. Time has revolved around Him; cities have been built to honor Him; songs have been sung to worship Him; and countless men and women have laid down their lives to defend Him. Without question, many people have an idea of who Jesus is. Perhaps you have an idea of who Jesus is. Maybe you have formed your idea of Jesus from what the media says, or maybe you remember old songs from childhood Sunday School lessons.
Read more about Jesus →

Recent Blog Posts

  • A Sliver of Heaven

    “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” — John 15:12 As I write this, I am in a hotel room with my wife and three amazing kids. It has become a summer tradition for my…
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  • Titus — Truth That Leads to Godliness

    New Sermon Series at The Rock Church “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the…
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  • The Rule of Rehoboam

    “When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him. … 5 Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and to the princes of Judah, who had…
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