Repeat and Teach

As humans, we are inherently distracted. Add to that, all of our day-to-day technology and communication — we are simply inundated with pings, pops, notifications and buzzes. It’s amazing that we retain any information at all!
At the end of John 21, Jesus asked Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter replied “yes” and Jesus said, “then feed my lambs.” That interchange went on three separate times. If I was Peter, I would have been super irritated and certainly wouldn’t have taken it as a learning experience. I would have thought, “I heard you the first time, Jesus.” But Jesus, being all knowing, understands that we need to hear things a few times before they really sink in. What a wonderful example for us to learn from.
(more…)Posted in A Word from the Pastor by Tony D'Amico