The Rock Church

Navigating Life With Self-Control

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Navigating Life With Self-Control — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Self-control is about steering our lives in a way that honors God. Simply stated, it’s saying no to what pulls us away from Him and yes to what draws us closer."

Many factors contribute to messing up a person’s life. Lack of self-control is a significant one. You might be on top of your finances and then wreck them by buying things you don’t need. Not to mention, you could excel at controlling your temper until something gets under your skin and you snap. Without a doubt, self-control is an essential and crucial characteristic of a Christian.

Put very simply, having self-control is sort of like driving a car. If you let go of the wheel, there’s a good chance you will run into another vehicle (or possibly off a bridge). But holding onto the wheel gives you the ability to drive defensively. Along with that, holding the wheel allows you to reach your destination. Paul certainly drove this point home (pardon the pun) when he wrote to Titus; he told him to teach everyone self-control. In fact, his instruction wasn’t just for pastors. It was for everyone who calls themselves a Christian. Indeed, he wrote about it five times in both chapters one and two.

In Titus 2:11-12, Paul wrote, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age..”

The Greek word Paul used is sóphrón, which means “curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate.” We also see it translated as “sensible” and “discrete.”

In Your Life

What does this look like in your life? Think about the area of social media. It’s obviously great for staying connected, but it can too easily eat up hours of your day. Self-control in this area might mean limiting your screen time. Then, you’ll have enough time for prayer, family, and rest. It’s all about balancing your digital life with your spiritual and physical well-being.

Along with social media, self-control is also critical at work. Maybe a co-worker gets on your nerves. Instead of snapping back, self-control means responding with patience and kindness. This keeps the peace and shows Christ’s love in action.

What about self-control in the area of your entertainment? Is it difficult for you to balance video games, music, food, or alcohol? Consequently, do your impulses take over?

Make Right Choices

Paul’s message in Titus isn’t just about avoiding bad behavior; it’s also about building good habits. Think about it like training for a marathon. You don’t just avoid eating unhealthy food and expect to see results simply because you signed up. You put in the time and reps to get the necessary miles, even when it’s hard. By practicing self-control, we create a life that reflects God’s grace and makes choices that bring us closer to Him.

Self-control is about steering our lives in a way that honors God. Simply stated, it’s saying no to what pulls us away from Him and yes to what draws us closer. Just like a driver uses a map to reach their destination, we use self-control. God’s grace navigates our lives.

So next time you face a challenge that tests your self-control, remember Paul’s words in Titus. Let God’s grace always be your guide. It will surely help you make choices that shine with His love and wisdom.

Learning to navigate,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor