The Rock Church

Lord, I Can Rest Now, I’m Known

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Lord, I Can Rest Now, I’m Known — a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Jesus came to make us whole and give us rest. He lived, died, and rose again so we could be fully known and fully loved."

The Rock Music has recently released our new EP, “No One Knows Me Like You.” Writing, recording, and playing music for Jesus and the local church is so gratifying. These songs are some that I am most proud of as a musician. At the same time, serving the Lord in this way humbles me. One common theme of this new music (mainly subconsciously) is finding a home in Jesus. And ultimately, a place where He knows me and I can rest in Him. 

I don’t know if you have ever felt misunderstood. I often have. Lots of times in life, I feel like I don’t make sense to others or even to myself. Whether it has been in communication or thought processes, it sometimes feels like I speak a foreign language compared to others. Even with my closest friends or wife, I have been perplexed at the misunderstandings that so easily happen. 

Also, I think of all the ways we try to make ourselves look better than we honestly are. In other words, our attempt to hide our faults or imperfections. To make it seem like we have it all together. At times, I can fear the questions, “What if they really knew what I thought?” or “What would they think of me if they saw how messed up I am?” Not to mention, we can even try to hide that reality from ourselves.

Perhaps you’ve felt these things? That you don’t make sense to others, or they don’t truly know or understand you? Or maybe you don’t make sense to yourself?

He Gives Rest

At times, that struggle to be understood has felt like I’m wearing a backpack filled with cinderblocks. However, I have realized that we all carry that burden in our own ways. Sadly, it’s the result of living in this fallen world. But the truth is that Jesus came to make us whole and give us rest. He lived, died, and rose again so we could be fully known and fully loved.

Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

This is, indeed, the promise of salvation. We read throughout the gospel accounts of a God who became man. A God who knew everything there was to know about the sinful, broken people He was interacting with. People who were undeniably searching for meaning, belonging, and rest. This God-man, Jesus, came and offered to take our backpacks of shame and guilt. And ultimately, to give us rest and a home in Him. 

He Knows Me

I cannot describe the peace that comes over me when I rest in the fact that Jesus knows me in a more profound and real sense than anyone else. Certainly more than I know myself. And despite my brokenness, guilt, shame, and struggles, He loves me more than anyone else has or can. He does this because He removed my shame by His atonement on the cross. Praise Jesus! Therefore, I never have to carry that burden again. I don’t ever have to search to be understood. Rest is mine now because I am forever known. 

Thank you for your constant support and encouragement of The Rock Music. It means the world. 

Grace and peace, 


Posted in A Word from the Pastor