The Rock Church

Beyond Imagination

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In Titus 3:7, the Apostle Paul mentions two things that are so remarkable. In fact, when you read them, it feels almost too good to be true:

“So that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:7

I want to consider two truths:

Truth #1: We are Justified.

Truth #2:  We are Heirs.

To be justified means to be declared righteous. The Bible tells us that Jesus took our sins upon Himself on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, we no longer stand before God condemned. Instead, we’re forgiven and righteous.

To be an heir means to be a recipient of something. An entitled inheritance.

Now, let me paint a picture for you.

Imagine you’re standing before God. You are no longer weighed down by guilt or shame. Put simply, you’re completely blameless in His sight. Doesn’t that sound too good to be true? Here’s the thing — it is true. This isn’t just some pipe dream to imagine. On the contrary, it’s reality for all who are in Christ Jesus!

This is precisely what it means to be justified. You and I stand before God as if we’ve never sinned. And it’s not because we never have (boy, have we)! It’s because Christ never sinned. He’s the one standing before us. He represents us before God. How comforting is that?

Keep Imagining

Keep imagining with me. Because of God’s kindness, not only are we no longer condemned, but we also inherit something too good to be true. We have the confidence of eternal life in heaven.

Again, this isn’t something you only get to imagine. It is the reality for all who are in Christ Jesus. You have eternal life, both now and forever. Heaven is an inheritance that God’s Son secured for you.

Beloved, this verse shouts to us, “Look at how much God cares for you!” Can you believe it? 

Consider this incredible truth today. Remember, it’s not a pipe dream. Above all, it’s a reality for all who are in Christ. You are forgiven and made righteous. Equally important, you are loved and an heir of eternal life. 

I would definitely encourage you to take a moment to reflect on how much God cares for you. May your heart overflow with gratitude. Thank the Lord for His mercy and kindness — it always goes beyond imagination. 

And remember, it isn’t a dream. It’s our reality in Christ!


Posted in A Word from the Pastor