The Rock Church

Salvation on Day One

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Well, we’ve been in Italy a little over 24 hours. We got here with everyone, all our luggage, and only mild jet lag. The weather has been pretty nice for us, so far. We might get rain in the last half of the week. Church was great this morning. We got to worship with about 20 Italian members, so our ten increased the numbers by 1/3. For me, it’s always great to catch up with everyone, give them a hug, and just let them know that they aren’t in this alone.

While we were out seeing some of the sights, one of the church members, Andy, from Ohio, and one of the previous English Club students joined up with us. As we walked through the city, Andy (from Ohio) and Lourdes (from the Utah team), shared their stories of salvation with Pasquale, and he prayed to accept Christ. We don’t usually see salvations every year, but God had been working on his heart from coming to previous English Clubs. Please pray for him, his confidence in his salvation, and clarity on taking steps to start his life as a new creation.

We start the English Clubs tomorrow, so we need a lot of prayers. Pray for everyone that signed up and pray for them to show up. Pray for more people to sign up and show up. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help all of us team members to meet lots of people, listen to what they have to say, and to give us the right things to say and the right way to say them. God is at work in Italy, for sure.

We thank you all for your love and support. We can’t wait to see what God is going to do this week and what amazing things He has planned for everyone in the future. In the meantime, we hope all of you are doing well in your own, daily, personalized mission trips that God hand picked each of you for.

God Bless,

Chris Troxel

Posted in Missions