The Rock Church

In Order

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We’ve all been there. Standing in the office supply aisle with a few items we just know are going to help us be more organized and productive. In fact, just standing there makes us feel a little more productive than we did in the condiment aisle, doesn’t it? We’re taking steps to get our lives in order. 

Naturally, nobody likes it when their lives are chaotic and out of control. It’s uncomfortable at the least and terrifying under certain circumstances. Of course, we want order in our lives; we even have one-liners like “there’s a method to my madness” to explain it. Additionally, God created us in His image. That’s why we don’t like disorder or chaos in the things going on around us, either. This is because our God is not a God of disorder but of peace. (1 Cor. 14:33 NIV)

Reflect with me for a few minutes. What are some things that work because God has given us the gift of order? Math works because there is a known order to numbers and systems (yes, even the metric one 😉). Therefore, we can confidently drive our family across a bridge with little concern. Also, we can walk by a skyscraper without worrying it will fall on us. We trust these things because there is an order to the engineering of everything — from the dirt below to the beacon lights on top. 

Furthermore, God has instilled a natural order for our affections. God created us to have affection toward Him (Creator) first, then everything else (creation). But, because of our sinful nature, we feel a pull for the opposite. Creation itself draws us to worship and serve it rather than the Creator. (Romans 1:25

Is Our Worship In The Right Order? 

Thankfully, God tells us how we are to worship Him. This is unlike the false gods and idols we see in the Bible. People worshiped them according to demonic influence and depraved minds. That kind of worship frequently resulted in child/ human sacrifice, mutilation, prostitution, and many other terrible things. Even God’s chosen people faced many devastating consequences when they failed to worship God correctly. He had explicitly told them how to worship. (Gen. 4:3, Ex. 32:7,8, Lev.10:1,2, 1 Sam. 13:8, Is. 29:13, Acts 5:1-5)

Jesus told the Samaritan woman, “…The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.’” — John 4:23-24

We Should Not Be Worshiping God However We Want

Some people believe bringing physical harm to themselves (self-flagellation) is an act of repentance and worship. Others continue in their habitual sin and exploit their freedom in Christ. Simply put, it’s an excuse to disobey God’s moral law (antinomianism). They mistakenly believe their disobedience will be winsome to the unbeliever. To add to that, other people believe doing the hardest thing possible, self-denial and discipline, is worshiping God (asceticism). Don’t get me wrong. The Lord calls Christians to deny themselves, have self-discipline, and expect persecution. But denying God’s good gifts and making things unnecessarily hard (as an act of worship) can lead to legalism. It can also lead to massive amounts of self-righteousness. 

There Is A Better Way 

Thankfully, we aren’t left wondering how to worship God. He tells us how (in spirit and truth). He specifically gives us examples of how to practically do that in His Word, the Bible. There are perfect examples of Jesus’ worship of the Father. Plus, we see the Apostles and New Testament saints (some good, some bad) and the Old Testament prophets.

In all this, He undoubtedly tells us that He is a God of order. And when it comes to our worship, “… all things should be done decently and in order.” — 1 Corinthians 14:40

In awe of God’s perfect order,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor