The Rock Church

Be Ready

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Be Ready – a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "That is precisely what Jesus taught in Matthew 25. One day, the Bridegroom will return, and some will be ready —  others will not."

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” — Matthew 25:13

We recently spoke at church about the inevitable return of Jesus Christ. We emphasized the importance of being ready for that day. Jesus certainly talked about His return many times in the gospels, especially in Matthew 24 and 25 (the Olivet Discourse). First, He shared signs of the end of the age. Then, He concluded with parables (to teach the importance of being ready).

The book of Matthew contains the Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). This story powerfully illustrates the importance of being personally ready for the return of Christ. Again, Jesus is teaching His disciples (and us) the importance of being prepared for His return. 

A Real Example

I saw a real-life example of this parable last month during our pastor/deacon overnighter in Eden. We had reserved a vacation rental home for the weekend. When the first of 20+ men began to arrive, we discovered it hadn’t been cleaned or prepared for us! We had to scramble to find a new home. Fortunately for us, a different vacation rental home was big enough and ready for our group. The short cycling ac but was immediately fixed. And if you need other repair services like for instance a sump pump repair, make sure to contact professional contractors for expert services. And if you want to replace your heat pump, make sure to enlist the help of a professional who can provide heat pump installation in Bucks County. Looking for Smith Mountain Lake furnace repair call Advanced Technical Services.

You may also consider hiring a plumber from Adelaide to make sure that the plumbing system is in good condition. Also, the plumbing company in Sydney can perform an exceptional service that can put your piping system in the right place. So, in a moment, 20+ men pivoted from one house to the next. One homeowner lost out, and another “won” because of the condition of their properties.   

That is precisely what Jesus taught in Matthew 25. One day, the Bridegroom will return, and some will be ready —  others will not. Please be prepared for that day (regarding your salvation and living a life that matters)! When Jesus returns, there will be no second chances for the unprepared.

Are you ready?


Posted in A Word from the Pastor