The Rock Church

Author Archives: admin

  1. In His Arms

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    I love this verse!

    “Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” — Psalm 68:19    

    Praise the Lord, indeed! He carries us in His arms, WOW! When I think of Jesus actually carrying me, it takes me to a place of intimacy and security that is beyond comprehension. It’s hard to grasp that the God of the universe carefully holds us close — like a mother holding her newborn baby. Even more amazing, is that the incredible love a parent has for their newborn child, pales in comparison to the love that God has for us. God not only cradles us as infants, but holds us close into eternity. 


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  2. Get Battle Ready With the Word of God Today!

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    “His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”— Psalm 91:4

    We all need refuge. We all look to something or someone to lean on or support us. It could be our careers, families, friends, finances or even our status in life. 

    These are all uncertain supports as every one of them will change over time. As we age and life moves on, our careers will evolve, our finances will rise and fall and even our families won’t remain the same. In one moment, in the blink of an eye, what seemed so certain, can suddenly be very different than what we expected. 


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  3. Three Ways to Love People Better

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    “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

    I recently observed three different families in our church who were loving others in practical, amazing and helpful ways. I believe there are three lessons we can learn from their examples.

    First way to love people better is to make yourself available. You actually need to tell someone —maybe a Small Group Leader, a pastor, or the person you see with a need. Tell them you are willing and available to help! That’s why I love this verse so much. Don’t just have some nice thoughts about how you want to help — actually DO something. I know a family in our church who had a broken car. A different family in our church had told a leader they wanted to help with practical things, like broken cars. Thankfully, as you guessed it, the broken car got fixed!    


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  4. Easter Beans

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    I don’t know about you, but in the midst of marshmallow Peeps, chocolate bunnies, jellybeans and Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, Easter 2019 was a blessing to my life! More than the delicious Easter candy, however, it was through our two-week Death to Life series, that God reminded me of why Jesus had to die and why the Resurrection gives us tremendous hope. 

    I was also truly amazed that we had over 1,670 people attend our services this past weekend (including the Sonrise Service). This is the highest weekend attendance in The Rock’s history (as far as I can tell). Wow! Over the past two weeks, we’ve had at least 25 people repent and pray to receive Jesus and 31 dear saints got baptized. God was so kind to bring us so many new visitors; people got to worship Jesus, hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and see many expressions of faith through baptisms. Everyone who came through our doors was loved on by the wonderful saints at The Rock Church.


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  5. It’s Worth Your Time

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    It's Worth Your Time, a blog post by Mary Young from The Rock Christian Church in Draper Utah.

    It can be hard to make the time to go to a women’s conference. There are so many demands on our time….places to go, people to see and things to do. Oftentimes, we just want to stay home, rather than try something new. We can struggle with insecurities like, “What if I don’t know anyone?”, “What if I don’t like the speaker?” or “Is it really going to be worth my time?”


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  6. You Need to Say Something

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    He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” —Mark 16:15

    Will you take a moment today and pray that God would strengthen you to be more faithful to share your faith?

    This past week, six of your pastors from The Rock Church, went to a pastor’s conference in Indianapolis. For three days, we heard from many amazing preachers; they came together to teach on one central them — Evangelism. One sermon after another, we were charged and reminded why we should never neglect the incredible power there is in telling others about Jesus. I was filled with so many reasons why we MUST be people who share our faith. I’d like to share a few with you.


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  7. Good Works

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    I was cleaning out the basement a few weeks ago and ran across an old journal. From the few pages I read, it would seem that all I ever did back in 2007 was think about Jesus, talk about Jesus, read about Jesus and write about Jesus. There was a lot of good going on in my life back then. I had just married Ashley, I was a first-year apprentice electrician, I was cranking through the Bible, deciding where I stood on heavy, theological positions, writing down prayers, leading people to Christ and playing in one of the worship bands at The Rock Church. 

    One thing that stuck out to me in that old journal was a prayer that I had written down. It was for a co-worker named Joe. I prayed that God would save his marriage, reveal Himself to Joe and that Joe would become a Christian. I didn’t even know Joe all that well; I don’t remember praying for him. It took me by surprise to see how full of faith I was back then! I hate to say it, but I don’t pray for all of my co-workers like that anymore. Seeing that journal kind of knocked me back on my heels. It made me feel ashamed that I’m not doing as many things for the Lord as I used to. 


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  8. Thank You!

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    I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated in our Missions Gala. It was a huge success in so many ways. Not only did we reach our goal of raising over $20,000 (specifically for our missions), but God went above and beyond our expectations. He revealed Himself in so many ways — both in and through the people of The Rock Church.

    I have been thinking about and meditating on this verse a lot lately. I saw it in action during the preparation for and participation in our Missions Gala. 


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  9. The Disgrace of Pride

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    I am so proud. I don’t want to be. Sometimes I don’t mean to be. But, if I’m honest with my heart, I am so proud. More often than not, I feel like I’m right or I’m entitled to something I desire. Many times, I find myself drifting into thoughts like, “If it were up to me I would….” 

    Have you ever slowed down enough to examine your own heart and the areas of pride you might be holding onto? Ask yourself and the Holy Spirit, “Where in my life is there un-checked pride?” Ask your closest friends, family or spouse, “Do you sense pride in me, and if so, where?”


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  10. Fortified Tower

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    “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” — Proverbs 18:10

    Last year, my wife and I stayed in a hotel that had a large concrete wall directly behind it. The wall was massive. It was 10 to 20 feet high and was made of thick, reinforced concrete.

    Basically, the view out our window was a giant concrete wall. Not a very visually appealing thing to look at during our stay. And the wall ran the entire length of the hotel. 


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