The Rock Church

Author Archives: The Rock Church

  1. God With Us Christmas Series

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    God With Us Christmas Series at The Rock Church in Draper Utah

    This is the perfect time of year to invite a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member to church! We’d love to have them join us during our Christmas Series called God With Us. It says in Matthew 1:23, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ‘Immanuel’ — which means, God with us.” During this Christmas season, we will reflect on the birth, humanity, divinity, and saving power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 


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  2. S.O.A.P. Devotional

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    S.O.A.P. Devotional, a word by pastor steele croswhite of the rock church in utah

    Lately, I have had a real boost in my quiet times and it’s because I have been using SOAP! No, not the soap you use to wash with. Rather, a devotional plan. Let me explain.

    S. – Scripture
    O. – Observation
    A. – Application
    P. – Prayer

    I am not sure who thought up this acronym originally, but I am certain I have heard Bill Young use it before (thanks, Bill).

    Here are a few examples out of my journal — showing you how this has worked in my quiet times this past week.


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  3. Faithcamp is Coming!

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    Faithcamp Conference

    What is Faithcamp?

    Faithcamp is a combination of Faithwalkers and our summer Discipleship Training Camp (formally DTC). There will be meaningful worship, powerful teachings (related to our identity in Christ), and organized activities for everyone! Faithcamp is designed for your entire family. We get the whole camp to ourselves, which will create a great environment for hanging out, making new friends, and enjoying old ones. We will be joined by several other churches in our Mountains West Region.


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  4. The Rock Marriage Retreat

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    The Rock Marriage Retreat

    The Rock Church places a high value on investing in the marriages God has given us. Next to Jesus, your spouse is the most important relationship you will ever have. The Rock Marriage Retreat is a fantastic opportunity for you to invest in that relationship by getting away with your spouse to beautiful Park City. We are offering either a one-night or a two-night option:


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  5. Pre-Order “Your Love Remains”

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    Your Love Remains an album by The Rock Music featuring Steele Croswhite of The Rock Church in Utah.

    We’re thrilled about our new, full-length worship album by Steele Croswhite called, “Your Love Remains” (being released with Dream Records and Capitol Christian Music Group). Our sincere prayer is that these songs will help you connect with Jesus on a deeper level — whether you are in your car, at the gym, or at home. These songs can take the message of the Gospel across the globe. Your continued support of The Rock Music is what keeps us going and you will get the chance to purchase this eleven-song album before the actual release date.


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  6. Small Groups Spring 2018

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    Small Groups, Join a Small Group at The Rock Church in Utah.

    “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV)

    Why Join a Small Group?

    In a big church, it’s easy to put on a smile, say the right things, and when the last song has finished to bolt out the door. We then return to our normal, everyday lives. But, following Christ is so much more than smiles and small talk. The Gospel has the power to change the world, and that change is accomplished through the lives of individual people, following Christ, one day at a time.

    Jesus often spoke on the value of friendships and community. Even as God in the flesh, Christ needed companions. We do as well. That’s where Small Groups come into the picture. A Small Group is, well, just that – usually 8-12 people who are committed to study the Bible together, share each other’s burdens and joys, pray for one another, and generally live life together.

    What Do Small Groups Look Like?

    For starters, you usually meet in someone’s home. There will more than likely be good food and a generally relaxed atmosphere. You’ll talk about what God is teaching you through His Word, learn from others about what God is doing in their lives, and sometimes you’ll spend some praying with one another. Then, more food.

    What Types of Small Groups are Available?

    Small Groups focus on different topics throughout the course of the year. But, the heart of Small Groups is always the Bible. There are many different groups – from men’s or women’s, to outdoor activities or crafts, to video studies or different stages of life. Take your pick!

    Small Groups will fill up fast, sign up today!

    Sign Up Today!

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  7. Faithcamp 2018

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    Faithcamp 2018

    Mark your calendars now for an amazing mountain retreat — Faithcamp!

    What is Faithcamp?

    Faithcamp will be a combination of both Discipleship Training Camp (formally HSLT) and Faithwalkers. It will include Worship, Teachings (related to our identity in Christ), and some organized activities for everyone. Faithcamp is designed for your whole family! We will be joined by several other churches in our Mountains West Region.


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  8. Time To Harvest

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    Time To Harvest

    “Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” — Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV)

    Recently, The Rock Pastors received a very encouraging email from a longtime LDS member (who recently got saved through the ministry of The Rock Church). In part he said,


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