The Rock Church

Author Archives: The Rock Church

  1. First Peter – Realistic Hope

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    Join us for our study through First Peter: Realistic Hope as we look for Realistic Hope found only in Jesus.

    Looking back, 2020 was quite a year: global pandemic, economic recession, empty shelves, earthquakes, persecution and political/racial turmoil. Will things get better? Is there any realistic hope they could?

    As we begin a new year, it’s easy to put our hope in things simply having to be better than they have been. We want to believe that. However, hope is only found in one source, Jesus Christ. Not in politicians, vaccines or 2021. 


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  2. Finding Christ in Christmas Series

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    Join us at The Rock Church this Christmas season as we discover Finding Christ in Christmas

    “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).” — Matthew 1:21-23 

    Too often, the true meaning of Christmas gets lost in the hype of the season. With an overload of activities to attend, presents to buy and people to see, we can easily forget what Christmas is truly about. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a reminder of what we’re really celebrating? 


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  3. Come What May — Available Now!

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    "Come What May" is now available on all streaming platforms.

    “Come What May” is The Rock Music’s 2020 offering to the Lord. In a year that has had unbelievable highs and lows (almost daily), we wanted to create a collection of music rooted in the fact that Jesus is in control and He is good. These indie-rock worship songs proclaim that: God is reigning on His throne, the “Word is our refuge and strength” and Jesus’ blood alone can cleanse us “white as snow”. Come what may, He is still God. 

    “Come What May” is now available on all streaming platforms. You can also stream the EP free from or on The Rock Church app


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  4. Letters to The Church Series

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    A Study of Revelation 2 & 3

    We live in a day and age where our culture shouts at us constantly. It screams at us non-stop. So many different voices — each one telling us what they think truly matters and what they think we should focus on. It’s overwhelming. It’s confusing. Who should we listen to? 

    We need Truth in order to navigate the world we live in and that Truth can only come from Jesus. In our world today, it’s critical that we focus on what Jesus had to say. He knows what is the ultimate best for us and shares it with us in His Word.  


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  5. Children’s Ministry is back THIS weekend!

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    Hello, Rock Church Family! We’re so excited to welcome you (and your children) back into our (limited) Children’s Ministry classes starting THIS weekend. We’ve missed you!

    • Please take a few minutes and read this email (and watch this video) — there are important details we’d like you to be aware of and hope it will be very helpful for you.
    • We’ve worked hard to make sure we’ve got systems in place to care for and protect your children!

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  6. God-Given Superpower — A Lesson for The Rock Kids

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    the rock kids, steele croswhite
    CLICK HERE to watch the video.

    Hello, parents! I am excited to share another special video with you and your children. This lesson is about the God-given superpower we can all use — encouraging those around us.

    To go along with this video, we would like to encourage your kiddos to go through this lesson on Barnabas the Encourager. He was a great example of encouraging others.


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  7. Anchor — A Lesson for The Rock Kids

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    Hello, parents! I’m happy to be back with another special Bible lesson for your kiddos. We’re going to talk about one of my favorite things in the world — boating. More specifically, we’ll talk about the importance of having a good anchor while on a boat and also in life.

    When we experience a storm in life, God is the hope and anchor for our souls. Hebrews 6:19 says, “This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.”


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