The Rock Church

Author Archives: The Rock Church

  1. Our Sunday Service New Time & Location

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    Hi, Rock Church! I’ve got a question for you, “It’s Sunday, August 2 at 10:00 a.m. – do you know where your church service is?”

    If you said, “It’s in the sanctuary of The Rock Church building,” you would be wrong!

    In an effort to accommodate more people at our Sunday services and have room for plenty of social distancing, The Rock Church pastors have gotten creative. We’ve decided to move our Sunday service to our north lawn!


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  2. Looking forward to seeing you soon as we reopen!

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    The pastors have made the decision to reopen our weekend worship services to the public on the weekend of June 20 & 21! We will meet at our regular times (6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday). There is no pressure to attend — we totally understand if you can’t. But, we’d love to have you join us if you feel ready and are comfortable.

    In light of this reopening, we’d like to share some of the changes you can expect when you arrive back in our building. First, our heart is to honor Jesus and to keep our flock safe by heeding some basic social distancing guidelines from our state, federal and medical leaders. Keeping that in mind, here are just a few of the restrictions that we will implement as we reopen. (Note: These Guidelines are only temporary until we are confident that we can move ahead safely.)


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  3. Let the Word of God Lead You

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    Dear Church, Together with you, we continue to be troubled by the events in our world regarding race and racism. Naturally, there are multiple voices we turn to in these times of uncertainty. For example, many of us turn to our favorite author or speakers. Some of us look to our news outlets, social media feeds or friends/family for direction. Though many of these are fine resources, as your pastors, we would encourage you (above all other resources), to let the Word of God lead you.

    Even in our restlessness, our fears and our questions, God’s Word remains the same. Truly, the Word of God is alive and powerful!


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  4. Hope of Jesus

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    Have you sensed that now, more than ever, we need the hope of Jesus? In unbelievable ways, our culture is divided, scared, enraged and much like a sheep without a shepherd.

    Together with you, we are heartbroken over the racial divides, injustices, murders, riots, bigotry, fear and hate spreading across our country. Like you, we are saddened and seeking Jesus for an appropriate response to somehow speak love to our brothers and sisters who have had to live with racism and hate in ways many of us will never know. How do we tell them that we love them without it seeming small? How do we become more involved without it seeming trite? 


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  5. The Rock Church Reopening Announcement

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    Hello, Rock Church! The pastors asked me to update you on the status of The Rock Church Reopening. Many of you have been asking, and we have some great news. We are planning on reopening our church building to the public on the weekend of June 20 & 21! 

    As a result of our reopening, I’d like to share some of the changes you can expect when you arrive back in our building. Above all, our heart is to honor Jesus and keep our flock safe by heeding some basic social distancing guidelines from our state, federal and medical leaders. Keeping that in mind, here are just a few of the restrictions we’ll implement: (Note: These new guidelines are only temporary until we can be confident we may move ahead safely.)


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  6. A King of Their Own Creation + What’s Happening

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    Recently, during one of our weekend services, we looked at The Triumphant Entry in Mark 11. The Jewish people had their own timeline for when the Messiah should save them from the Romans. They tried making a King of their own creation.

    Likewise, we can do the same thing, right? We have our own timeline for how we want life to return to normal. It can be easy to get angry — even at the King — when things don’t go the way we want them to during this time. 


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  7. Considering Reopening our Church

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    A blog post from the rock pastors, considering reoping our doors.

    Hello, Rock Church,

    As you may have heard, the governor of Utah announced on Wednesday (May 6, 2020) that churches could start meeting again (provided they follow basic social distancing guidelines). The Rock Pastors have been reading through these guidelines, talking with doctors and state officials, and praying. We are currently considering reopening our church sometime in June. There will obviously be countless details to figure out in the coming weeks. We need God’s wisdom and guidance through all of this.

    Having said that, there are some things we want you to know during this process:


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