Daylight Saving
Just a friendly reminder to set your clocks ONE HOUR AHEAD tonight, Saturday March 7!
Posted in News by Tony D'Amico
Just a friendly reminder to set your clocks ONE HOUR AHEAD tonight, Saturday March 7!
Posted in News by Tony D'Amico
Because we love people and we love our community, The Rock Church has partnered with Local First, an organization who helps support local businesses and artists in our neighborhoods and city. Local First recently featured a blog about our partnership with them and we are so excited to share it with you now!
Our big day has finally arrived! Last summer, we sent 60 faithful saints to venture off and start a new church service on the west side of the valley. On Friday, February 6, The Rock Church West will have our GRAND OPENING!
Posted in Events, News by The Rock Church
The Rock Churches in Utah are blessed to be a associated relationally with of a larger family of churches around the country and world. As believers in Jesus Christ we have been forgiven and transformed by the grace of God.
Posted in News by The Rock Church
We are currently looking for gifted musicians and vocalists interested in participating in and leading worship music at The Rock Church in Draper. We are looking for adults as well as youth who will be at least 12 years old (in 7th grade) by the fall of 2015. A few things we ask of you include:
Posted in News, The Rock Music by The Rock Church
It has FINALLY arrived and YOU have an opportunity to get it FIRST along with other awesome exclusive items.
Posted in News, The Rock Music by Tony D'Amico
There is a word which conveys wonderful hope and comfort to the Christian, but is often misunderstood by the world. That word is grace. The Apostle Paul used this magnificent word in every epistle that he wrote. He often began and ended his letters with the mention of this word.
Posted in News, The Rock Cares by Tony D'Amico
WE ARE EXCITED to finally be a part of the Draper Community and want to cordially invite you to join us for our Open House and Grand Opening Celebration weekend! On Saturday, our Open House will include: a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the Draper Chamber of Commerce, a greeting from Draper Mayor Troy Walker, refreshments, tours of our new facility, fun gifts, balloons, and a bouncy castle for kids!
Posted in News by Tony D'Amico
As you know, we are a little more than half way through our three-year ROOTS 2.0 Capital Campaign and our new facility in Draper is nearing completion! This is a very exciting time for all of us and we are so thankful for each one of you, who have so generously given to get us this far. The brick, steel, and mortar are in place — but we still need to purchase all of the inside furnishings that will truly make this church house a church home. We are looking at the Bradingon Young Furniture for the offices but are still unsure so we have an idea.
Posted in News by Tony D'Amico
If you are part of the The Provo Church, we are going camping and would love to have you join us! We’ll be camping on August 2-3 at Diamond Campground and THERE WILL BE NO CHURCH SERVICE ON SUNDAY IN PROVO (August 3) because we’ll be at the campground enjoying great food, fun activities and some baptisms! (more…)
Posted in Events, News by Tony D'Amico