The Rock Church

Category Archive: News

  1. Welcoming the Children: A Connection Through Generations

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    After a sunny day with some planning, exploring, and swimming in the ocean, the work we came here for officially began. Children ranging from toddlers to nineteen years old were gathered for a time of getting acquainted and worship on the beach. Thirty-seven children in all made for a lot of volume and kinetic energy, but our time was fruitful.

    “He told them, ‘Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes Him who sent me. For whoever is least among you – this one is great.” — Luke 9:48

    After a sunny day with some planning, exploring, and swimming in the ocean, the work we came here for officially began. Children ranging from toddlers to nineteen years old were gathered for a time of getting acquainted and worship on the beach. Thirty-seven children in all made for a lot of volume and kinetic energy, but our time was fruitful. The night ended with a rousing game of hide-and-seek amongst the tweens and teens. This game was of course in the dark, outside, on the large resort campus of a foreign country. God was definitely gracious to us.


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  2. Gathering with Brothers and Sisters: Following the Example of Paul

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    My family, church family, and I (18 of us in all) are here in Croatia to minister to our Brothers and Sisters living abroad as full-time missionaries. These missionaries live scattered throughout Europe, even as far as Africa.

    “There we found brothers and sisters and were invited to stay a week with them. And so we came to Rome. Now the brothers and sisters from there had heard the news about us and had come to meet us as far as the Forum of Appias and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked them and took courage.” — Acts 28:14-15

    It has been an encouraging coincidence that I happened to be studying the book of Acts both leading up to, and during this trip to Croatia. My family, church family, and I (18 of us in all) are here in Croatia to minister to the Saints living abroad as full-time missionaries. These missionaries live scattered throughout Europe, even as far as Africa. I haven’t met most of them yet, but am assuming that they don’t have the same comforts that come from having a close church family back in the States. These missionaries are all familiar with each other, but all working in different parts of the world. So, when they reunite tomorrow, I imagine it unfolding much like those verses above. Where brothers and sisters in Christ gather, there is mutual encouragement.


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  3. Pray for our Croatia Mission Team

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    A team of 18 from The Rock Church is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Please pray for this time.

    Over the next week, a team of 18 from The Rock is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Additionally, at the conference, our very own Bill Young is speaking about Heaven. And, the beloved Wisch family will be in attendance.

    Please pray for this time. Pray for traveling mercies for the TRC team and European missionaries. Pray for the missionaries and their families to be encouraged and refreshed during their retreat. And pray for much fruit in the global mission field to come from this time. Thank you for praying!

    Keep up with the TRC team’s activities in Croatia by following their blog.

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  4. There Was A Garden — Easter 2024

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    Easter at The Rock Church

    The most significant events in the history of mankind are the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. John 19:41-42 says that these events happened near the same place. And in that place, there was a garden. While close to each other in both time and location, the meaning of these events is quite different. 


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  5. Immanuel Christmas Series

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    Christmas is a celebration of God’s greatest promise to Mankind — we are not alone. We are not left alone in our suffering, hurts, brokenness, or sin. Matthew 1:23 says, “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel — which means, God with us.” In our Christmas series this year, we’ll explore the significance of God dwelling among us.


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  6. Rocktoberfest 2023

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    This year’s Rocktoberfest will be held on Friday, October 27 (5:00 — 7:30 p.m.) at The Rock Church.

    Who wants to spend Halloween “just trick-or-treating” when you can have WAY more fun at Rocktoberfest! You’re not going to want to miss this action-packed evening at The Rock Church, where you can grab your Cheap Halloween Contacts and dive into a world of spooky festivities! Transform into your favorite character and join us for a night of unforgettable thrills and chills.


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  7. “The Future Is Sure” is Now Available!

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    “The Future Is Sure” is the latest EP released by The Rock Music. Celebrating the certainty of the Good News, this 7- song collection delivers such standout original tracks as “Mercy,” “Not Like Mine,” and “Saved By Grace.” 

    TFIS also spotlights our take on the popular worship songs “Give Me Jesus” and “How Deep The Father’s Love.” 


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  8. Romans: Living By Faith Sermon Series

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    Romans: Living By Faith is a new expository sermon series at The Rock Church, studying the truth about God, His righteousness, and godly living.

    A Study Through the Book of Romans

    “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17

    We absolutely live in an age when everyone is right in their own eyes. Most people don’t even consider that their decisions could be wrong or their actions harmful. At the same time, everybody is on their own path, trying to figure out how to navigate life. Also, endless resources and influences are waiting to tell them exactly what they want to hear.


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  9. Matter of Honor Series

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    A new sermon series at The Rock Church in Draper, UT. In this three-part series, we’ll look at biblical principles which focus on the importance of financial stewardship.

    A Look Into Biblical Principles of Financial Stewardship.

    Jesus warned us about the danger of putting money in place of God in our lives. He said in Matthew 6:24, “You cannot serve both God and money.” In this three-part series, we’ll look at biblical principles which focus on the importance of financial stewardship. These practical teachings will help you understand (and implement) the basic biblical concepts of honoring God with your finances. Matter of Honor series runs April 15-30.


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  10. “Every Heartbeat” Is Out Now!

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    The Rock Music has released another new single, “Every Heartbeat." You can listen to it on all streaming platforms.

    The Rock Music has released another new single, “Every Heartbeat.” 

    This peaceful song resounds with quiet joy, speaking to the comfort found in God’s sovereignty. As a heartfelt prayer, it ushers listeners into an experience of worship for who God is, as well as gratitude in all seasons of life. Inspired by Psalm 139, “Every Heartbeat” focuses on God’s provision in life’s triumphs and trials; it encourages a confident resolve to always praise Him.


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