The Rock Church


  1. Bless the Lord by

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    Bless the Lord – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s always easy to “bless the name of the Lord” when things are going well, but “now” implies the moment."

    “Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever.” — Psalm 113:2

    I recently read this verse in my quiet time, and one word stuck out to me more than the others. The word was “now.”

    It’s always easy to “bless the name of the Lord” when things are going well, but “now” implies the moment. Regardless of what this moment holds in your life, whatever situation “now” finds you in, bless the name of the Lord.

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  2. Bold as a Lion by

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    Bold as a Lion – a word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "as God’s children, we can be people of courage. Because of what God has done for us, we can be as bold as lions!"

    “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” — Proverbs 28:1

    Do you read the news? There is certainly a lot out there to cause worry and fear in my heart. So much is going on — from political unrest to droughts (and now flooding), shootings, economic news (inflation, the banking crisis, or interest rates), wars, rumors of wars, increasing wickedness, the love of many growing cold, etc. All that is happening locally, nationally, and globally naturally fills us with worry and fear.

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  3. Hope in Hardship by

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    Hope in Hardship – a word by Pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "The Apostle Paul reminds us that to find true peace and hope during hardship, we need an eternal perspective on our problems."

    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” — John 14:27 (NIV84)

    A few weeks ago, I taught how to have hope in the midst of hardship. Many people told me that that message was precisely what they needed. I certainly needed to hear it, too! Life is always full of suffering, and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, Jesus promised, “In this world, you will have trouble.” (John 16:33b)

    The reality of pain and suffering forces us to ask ourselves, “Where is my hope?” Jean-Paul Sartre, a well-known atheist, was agonizing over the thought of death. People heard him repeatedly say, “I know I shall die in hope…but hope needs a foundation!” I am eternally thankful to God for giving us a solid foundation on which we can have hope – even as we walk through the valley of death, difficulty, grief, and sorrow.

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  4. Matter of Honor Series by

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    A new sermon series at The Rock Church in Draper, UT. In this three-part series, we’ll look at biblical principles which focus on the importance of financial stewardship.

    A Look Into Biblical Principles of Financial Stewardship.

    Jesus warned us about the danger of putting money in place of God in our lives. He said in Matthew 6:24, “You cannot serve both God and money.” In this three-part series, we’ll look at biblical principles which focus on the importance of financial stewardship. These practical teachings will help you understand (and implement) the basic biblical concepts of honoring God with your finances. Matter of Honor series runs April 15-30.

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  5. It is Good to be Near God by

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    It is Good to be Near God – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "When gripped by grace, we experience abundant life. And then comes humility, obedience, and worship. Indeed, it is good to be near God."

    Our purpose is to live a life of worship. To know and be known by God. We are to walk in His grace and be changed by it. This means understanding who we are in God’s presence — that our life is not ours. When gripped by grace, we experience abundant life. And then comes humility, obedience, and worship. Indeed, it is good to be near God.

    A desire to be in God’s presence naturally fuels an authentic life of worship. It’s coming to a place where our hearts say, “God, everything else out there is a mirage. Only in Your presence is there life and fullness of joy.” 

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  6. “Every Heartbeat” Is Out Now! by

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    The Rock Music has released another new single, “Every Heartbeat." You can listen to it on all streaming platforms.

    The Rock Music has released another new single, “Every Heartbeat.” 

    This peaceful song resounds with quiet joy, speaking to the comfort found in God’s sovereignty. As a heartfelt prayer, it ushers listeners into an experience of worship for who God is, as well as gratitude in all seasons of life. Inspired by Psalm 139, “Every Heartbeat” focuses on God’s provision in life’s triumphs and trials; it encourages a confident resolve to always praise Him.

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  7. The Death of Death — Easter 2023 by

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    The Death of Death - 2023 Easter series at The Rock Church in Draper, UT.

    Easter at The Rock Church

    Of all our fears in this world, there is none greater than the fear of death. Whether we are willing to admit it or not, it is everyone’s deepest fear. But what if something happened that meant we no longer had to fear it? What if something (or Someone) ushered in the death of death?

    Every Easter, Christians celebrate that when Jesus died on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day, He conquered the power of sin. Surely, the empty tomb is the proclamation that death is forever defeated. There is a power stronger than the grave — found in the life of Jesus Christ.

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  8. Refreshing by

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    Refreshed – a word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Knowing God naturally refreshes everything. This includes our relationship with Him, ourselves, the lost, and other believers."

    We’re wrapping up our “Delighting in God’s Word” series at church, and I get the privilege of preaching our last teaching. As I’ve read and reflected on the verses, one thing comes up repeatedly. The author has such a refreshing relationship with the Lord that it literally changes every aspect of his life. This is equally true for each of us and is unique to the Christian faith. 

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  9. Shield of Faith by

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    Shield of Faith – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s a shield that deflects the lies, temptations, and fears, as well as the doubts that Satan throws at us."

    “In all circumstances, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.” — Ephesians 6:16

    Paul used this metaphor to represent the Christian’s faith and belief in God. This shield unquestionably extinguishes all (not just some) of the flaming darts the evil one shoots at you.

    Just as a physical shield protects a warrior in battle, so, too, the Shield of Faith protects us from the devil’s spiritual attacks. It’s a shield that deflects the lies, temptations, and fears, as well as the doubts that Satan throws at us. 

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  10. Doctrine? by

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    Doctrine? A word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Not to mention, how do we know our church doctrine is correct and theirs is wrong? Those are absolutely all great questions."

    One of my best friends recently moved to a small town in South Dakota. He asked me if I could help him find a church there. After I did a quick Google search I was amazed to find 34 churches in this “small” town! I also visited some of their websites and read their statements of faith, values, leadership details, etc. In the end, I was able to categorize those 34 churches into three separate groups:

    • Churches I wouldn’t even consider going to 
    • Churches I’d visit because they’re historically biblical 
    • “Proceed-with-caution” churches 
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