The Rock Church


  1. Use Your Words Wisely by

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    Use Your Words Wisely – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "If you were to take your 7,000 words a day and break them into conversations, how many of those would be productive or life-giving?"

    Research shows that we speak at least 7,000 words per day — some of us, even more. It’s easy to get ourselves in trouble with that quantity and believe me, I’m no stranger to it. This can be especially true when words come out of our mouths (or from a keyboard) on topics we care about.

    Our passion, our pride and our words can fly out at an alarming rate. We go toe-to-toe with anyone who wants to step up to the plate. Once done with the argument, we might feel that we came out on top. As a result, we boast about our great words. However, in times like that, most of us spoke emotionally or in the flesh, not in the Spirit.

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  2. Letters to The Church Series by

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    A Study of Revelation 2 & 3

    We live in a day and age where our culture shouts at us constantly. It screams at us non-stop. So many different voices — each one telling us what they think truly matters and what they think we should focus on. It’s overwhelming. It’s confusing. Who should we listen to? 

    We need Truth in order to navigate the world we live in and that Truth can only come from Jesus. In our world today, it’s critical that we focus on what Jesus had to say. He knows what is the ultimate best for us and shares it with us in His Word.  

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  3. Children’s Ministry is back THIS weekend! by

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    Hello, Rock Church Family! We’re so excited to welcome you (and your children) back into our (limited) Children’s Ministry classes starting THIS weekend. We’ve missed you!

    • Please take a few minutes and read this email (and watch this video) — there are important details we’d like you to be aware of and hope it will be very helpful for you.
    • We’ve worked hard to make sure we’ve got systems in place to care for and protect your children!
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  4. Overcome Evil With Good by

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    Overcoming Evil With Good – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "when we are overcome with evil, it’s an outpouring from our hearts. The more good we are able to do in these situations means more good will overflow from our hearts."

    The idea of overcoming evil with good has been on my mind lately — I’d like to share some of my thoughts with you. You know, when someone affects you in a negative way, it’s easy to spin your attitude into payback mode. You want to show those who offended (or hurt) you, that you can do the same thing to them. The easy way to deal with your enemies (real or perceived) is to bash, abuse, sue and slander them. You want to avenge the evil they have inflicted on you. But, the Bible is clear that this isn’t the way…

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  5. Fellowship by

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    Fellowship – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Let’s be intentional with spending quality time with one another and not settle with a few, two-minute conversations a week being our idea of fellowship."

    On Labor Day, an old friend invited me to go to a BBQ at his house. I hadn’t seen him in years and he told me a few of our old friends were going to be there. I decided to go and catch up. It was great to be with people that I’d experienced so much of my young adult life with; after a few minutes of small talk, it was totally natural to be with them again. We spent five hours standing around the kitchen eating, laughing and reminiscing about the stuff we used to do together. I drove home that night with a smile on my face, thinking about how intertwined our lives used to be and one word kept coming to my mind. Fellowship. 

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  6. Moving All Church Services Back Inside by

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    Hi, Rock Church! Starting the first weekend of October, we’ll begin meeting indoors again on Sunday morning! In fact, with the colder weather moving in, we’re planning on all three of our services being back inside the building. 

    Here are some things you should know:

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  7. I Will Never Leave You! by

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    I Will Never Leave You! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "But, what has really comforted me through all of what’s happened (and even what’s yet to come) is knowing that God will NEVER leave me nor forsake me."

    My grandson, Lewis, recently fell off some monkey bars and broke his arm. I was super excited to hear that he wanted to spend the day at our house a day or so after the accident — rather than go boating with his family. He knew he wouldn’t be able to swim with his friends and siblings; he also knew that at four years old, a whole day with grandpa and grandma could be a bunch of fun, especially with a lame arm. More than likely, there would be a movie or two (as well as treats) and of course, grandpa’s lunches are off the hook.

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  8. Test of Tests by

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    Test of Tests – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. God reminded me: “Steele, you can’t fail with me! I will always love you no matter what! I am your God, and you are my son and I delight in you."

    This past week I had to take a test. It was not just any test, however. This one had been nicknamed “the test of tests”.

    Let me back up. About seven years ago, I was at pastor’s conference, and was challenged and convicted by a teaching I heard. The speaker encouraged the pastors to pray about developing a skill that could be used to help others in the Church and in the world.

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  9. Our Finest Hour by

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     Our Finest Hour – a word by pastor Bill Young from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Let me leave you with this final question. Will this year be a year of disaster for you and your family, or will this be your finest hour?"

    “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” — 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (NIV84)

     “Houston, we have a problem.” These were the immortal words spoken by Apollo 13 Mission Commander James Lovell on April 13, 1970. A mysterious explosion rocked the command module of their spacecraft halfway to the moon. The blast destroyed one oxygen tank and punctured a second, effectively crippling both the mission and its crew.

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