The Rock Church


  1. Our Identity in the Love of Jesus by

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    I was recently reminded of a teaching I heard about the disciple, John. When John refers to himself, as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” we see where John found his identity. Likewise, we can be encouraged that ours can be found there, too. 

    There are countless ways that we can label ourselves. Even in saying we are “lovers of Jesus” we can put so much of the onus on our effort. As a result, we miss the mark. Instead, Christian, may we find our identity in the love of Jesus. 

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  2. Considering Reopening our Church by

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    A blog post from the rock pastors, considering reoping our doors.

    Hello, Rock Church,

    As you may have heard, the governor of Utah announced on Wednesday (May 6, 2020) that churches could start meeting again (provided they follow basic social distancing guidelines). The Rock Pastors have been reading through these guidelines, talking with doctors and state officials, and praying. We are currently considering reopening our church sometime in June. There will obviously be countless details to figure out in the coming weeks. We need God’s wisdom and guidance through all of this.

    Having said that, there are some things we want you to know during this process:

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  3. Get Your Eyes on Jesus — Sing to Him + NEWS by

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    Psalm 96 tells us over and over to sing to the Lord. Maybe you are like me and have noticed how easy it is to have your eyes on yourself? One of the quickest ways to get your eyes on Jesus is to sing to Him.

    Today, find ways to sing to Jesus. Tune in to a local Christian radio station, find a worship playlist on Spotify or even go to and listen to worship music for free. Sing to the Lord. Publish His glorious deeds. 

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  4. The Spirit of God Lives in You by

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    You and I are the Church — we don’t need brick and mortar. We can have church wherever we are because the Spirit of God lives in us. He has been so good to us!

    The Apostle Paul asked the Believers in Corinth, “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?” How exciting is it that we are the body of Christ? We are His temple, not a building.

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  5. Don’t Worry — A Lesson for The Rock Kids + NEWS by

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    A lesson about worry for the The Rock Kids.
    CLICK Here to watch!

    Hello, parents! I’m excited to share this special video with you and your family. We’re going to talk about springtime and God’s care for us. We will also talk about the fact that we don’t have to worry. 

    Watch the video above to have your children sing along and hear this important lesson about worry. 

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  6. More Time for God’s Word by

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    Over the last two months of self-distancing and home quarantine, we’ve never had more time on our hands. My family and I have certainly enjoyed this extra time together. Aside from the fact that I have watched more princess and super hero movies than most people have seen in a lifetime, I’d say things are going okay. As I ponder this extra time that has fallen into many of our laps, I think it’s worth asking ourselves, “Has this season allowed me to spend more time with God and His Word?” 

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  7. Consider it Pure Joy Whenever you Face Trials by

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    Is there any way to find a blessing in the midst of all the difficulties we’re facing? I say, “Yes!” — and so does the book of James. James (Chapter 1) says that we can consider it pure joy whenever we face trials. 

    God teaches us through our trials. I want to encourage you that even though things get hard, there are blessings. 

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  8. Strength to Weather the Storm + What’s Happening by

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    I have a thought for you from the book of Ruth. Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, experienced tragedy after tragedy. But, Naomi insightfully understood that everything that happened in her life was from the hand of the Lord. This gave her strength in the midst of tragedy. 

    As Christians, we need to understand that God is in control of both the good things and the troubles that are in our lives. That should give us the strength we need to weather the trials and storms that come. 

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