The Rock Church


  1. Tomorrow Will be Anxious for Itself by

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    With all that is going on in our world right now, it can be easy to find a million things to be anxious about. If you’re like me, you can end up worrying about way more than you can handle. You try to plan out your next steps, days, weeks and even months — and you set your hope in those plans.

    Christian, we don’t know what tomorrow holds — it will be anxious for itself. But, we should remember who holds our future. We should trust our Perfect Father. He will provide us with all that we need (not what we want) for the future.

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  2. Love One Another by

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    Love One Another – a blog by Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "This is one of the last things that Jesus said to His disciples. He told them to love one another and He wants this for us, too."

    “’So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.’” — John 13:34-35

    This is one of the last things that Jesus said to His disciples. He told them to love one another and it would prove to the world that they were His disciples. He wants this for us, too.

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  3. Spirit-filled Patience by

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    There have been a number of things over the last few weeks that have tested our patience. It seems to be about the first thing to go out the window, am I right? 

    In Galatians 5, the Apostle Paul tells us about the Fruits of the Spirit. The Word tells us that Jesus is doing a good work in us — one that will allow us to tap into Spirit-filled patience. 

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  4. The Lord Reigns — Available Now! by

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    The Rock Music is excited to announce the release of their latest single “The Lord Reigns”. This new worship song proclaims God’s sovereignty and Lordship along with His incredible majesty. These truths of who He is are certainly what we need to be reminded of at this time. 

    Songwriters Caleb and Kelsea Yetton have created an emotional anthem from the verses in Psalm 93. Seeing Jesus reign in such a way that His majesty and strength are His clothing —  “That imagery intrigued me,” Caleb explained. He started to flesh out the song and then Kelsea helped him further shape the verses and the bridge. Together, they brought the song to life.

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  5. Prayer Lesson for The Rock Kids + What’s Happening by

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    Prayer Lesson for The Rock Kids

    Hello, parents! I am happy to share another special video with you and your children. Today, we are going to talk about one of my favorite things to do in the whole world. We are going to talk about prayer.

    It is so important for our kids to learn that Jesus loves it when they talk to Him. We can talk to Him anywhere, anytime, about anything. He is an awesome Father who loves to hear our prayers.

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  6. The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers are Few by

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    I heard some experts say that because of all the online services available this past weekend, it was the most attended Easter weekend in the history of the world! Isn’t that amazing? Clearly, we can see that the harvest for the Gospel is plentiful, even during this worldwide crisis. 

    I believe that you and I have a unique opportunity and we shouldn’t miss it. There are three ways I believe we can be a part of seeing the harvest gathered right now. Watch the video above to hear all about it. 

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  7. The Gospel of Mark — Part 3 by

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    The logo for our gosepl of mark series. In our study through the gospel of Mark, we’ll discover more about Jesus’ servant life, His ministry and the training of His disciples.

    Jesus, The Servant King

    We’re excited to continue on with The Gospel of Mark series and hope you’ll join us.

    Mark tells us the life story of the King who came not to be served, but to serve. It’s an exciting account of the Son of God that could speak to both the Jews and the non-Jews of Mark’s day. In our study through the book of Mark, we’ll discover more about Jesus’ servant life, His ministry and the training of His disciples.

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  8. The Right Place at the Right Time by

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    The Right Place at the Right Time – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock church in Draper, Utah. "God put us in the right place at the right time to be in His Word, talk to Him at length in prayer and depend on His sovereignty."

    Do you understand that God knit us together, in our mother’s wombs, to be born at exactly the right place and time — to experience this pandemic together in our various stages of life? God orchestrated it. Let this verse from Acts 17:26 sink in, “He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation.” In other words, we were born at the right place and time.

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  9. Difficulties are Food for Faith to Feed on by

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    In the middle of trials, are you seeing the opportunity for your faith to grow? As George Mueller put it, “difficulties are food for faith to feed on.” 

    Hebrews 11:1 says that, “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith takes future realities and brings them into our present realities. It is a rock-solid confidence in God’s Word — even in the midst of difficulties. 

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  10. Easter Bulletin for The Rock Kids by

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    a special easter bulletin for the rock kids

    Hello, Rock Parents and Kids! We’ve made you a special Easter Bulletin with a word search and many other activities to have fun with. Here’s the link to the PDF  — you can simply download and print it.

    Helpful print settings: fit to page, 2-sided with flip on short edge. To finish, fold it in half – hamburger style. 

    We hope you enjoy it and have a very Happy Easter!

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