The Rock Church


  1. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is Here by

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    I am sobered by what we are facing at this time. In the Bible, we see difficulties people faced over and over again. This is not new to God. Many times, those difficult circumstances brought people to their knees in repentance. 

    John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus and His message. Both men proclaimed the need for the people of Israel to repent. I believe that is something our world needs to hear now. It’s certainly something that you and I must continually do — live a life of repentance while clinging to our Savior.

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  2. Speak Words of Life + What’s Happening by

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    It feels like there is so much discouragement in our world right now. There is fear in what we are hearing and reading. Christian, did you know there is power in what you speak? Death and life are found in the power of the tongue.

    I would encourage you to speak words of life into the world. When people are full of fear, we can proclaim that we have a good God who says, “Fear Not!” What a great time it is to show our faith to others and give them some good news. 

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  3. The Presence of God is the Antidote to Fear by

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    Where do you go in times of trouble? Do you run to the things of this world to bring you peace? Or do you look for refuge in the presence of God? 

    Jesus told us that we will face trouble in this life. We shouldn’t be deceived to believe otherwise. He promised, however, that we can find peace in Him during troubled times for He has overcome the world. He is the only place to find true refuge.

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  4. Treasure by

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    Treasure, a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "The forgiveness invitation has been sent! Not only for this life on earth, but for so much more. Eternity with God is the most valuable treasure possible."

    “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” — Matthew 6:21 (NLT)

    We live in a time of uncertainty. Many of us are asking a myriad of questions: What do I consider my treasure to be? What is really important? What will I fight to protect? What if I get sick? What if this lasts a really long time? What if I can’t provide for my family? What if I, or someone I love, dies? Why is this happening? What matters?

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  5. Kind Words — A Devotional for The Rock Kids by

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    Hello, parents! I am happy to share another special video with you and your kiddos. This is a devotional about the power of our tongues and the importance of saying kind words.

    What a valuable time this is to engage with our kids about the power our words have. I hope you and your children enjoy this devotional.

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  6. Sing to Jesus Wherever You Are by

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    I miss being able to be in the same room to worship Jesus together. But, you know what is great news? You can sing to Jesus wherever you are. 

    Today, you can sing to Jesus in your home — with your family, your roommates or just by yourself. I would encourage you to be in the habit of doing so during this time of social distancing. 

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  7. Pour Out Your Heart Before Him + What’s Happening by

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    Certainly, you and I are in a unique time. Psalm 62 says that at all times you should pour out your heart to God. He is the place where you should run to for your safety. You need to trust in Him. 

    There is something very special about being able to pour out your heart to God. It connects your heart and mind to the Lord. You can verbalize what you are feeling before Him. This can help remind you to trust Him. 

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  8. Why Are You So Afraid? by

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    In the book of Mark, when the disciples were terrified of the storm, what was Jesus doing? He was taking a nap. When the disciples woke him up, screaming for Him to save them, what was His question for them? “Why are you so afraid?”

    Beloved, there is no crisis that you are going to face that Jesus does not have the power to handle! Our Lord is present. He cares and He is able. 

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  9. Who Am I Listening To? by

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    Who am I Listening to? A word by pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "When we find ourselves with a pit in our stomachs and a tinge of fear rattling our emotions, we should ask ourselves, “Who am I listening to?"

    “But all who listen to me will live in peace untroubled by fear of harm.” — Proverbs 1:33

    There is a way to live that leads to harm, fear and restlessness. Most of the time this is a result of listening to ourselves, lies or negative influences. When we find ourselves with a pit in our stomachs and a tinge of fear rattling our emotions, we should ask ourselves, “Who am I listening to?”

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