The Rock Church


  1. Peace I Leave With You by

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    It’s no secret that we’re all living in an incredibly unsettling time. What should we do about that? What can we do about that? I suggest we listen to the words of Jesus where He offers us peace that can only be found in Him.

    Lean into Jesus this week, Church! Read your Bible to hear His words of peace. Pray and seek Jesus. He promises that He will give us peace — unlike anything the world has to offer. 

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  2. Still, Small Voice — A Devotional for The Rock Kids by

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    Calling all Rock Kids! Sing-a-long with Steele and hear one of his favorite Bible stories about God meeting us in a still small voice.
    Calling all Rock Kids! CLICK HERE to sing along with Steele and hear one of his favorite Bible stories.

    A Special Devotional with Steele

    Hi parents! I am excited to share this special video with you and your children. This is the story of how God met Elijah. It wasn’t in a fire, strong wind or earthquake. God met him in a still, small voice.

    We understand being cooped up in the house can be a little difficult for all of us. Hopefully, this video will help you use some of this time by giving you an opportunity to talk with your kids about God. Remember, Jesus loves you — He loves you SO much! And He is close to you. 

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  3. Assistance for Business Owners by

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    As we all know, the COVID-19 situation is adversely affecting many of us in numerous ways. If you are (or know) a business owner who is experiencing difficulty and interested in finding out more about resources that are available to assist you and your business during this crisis, please reach out.

    Dear TRC Business Owners,

    As we all know, the COVID-19 situation is adversely affecting many of us in numerous ways. If you are (or know) a business owner who is experiencing difficulty and interested in finding out more about resources that are available to assist you and your business during this crisis, please reach out to me at:

    As well if you a small business owner you need to know that payroll administration services for small businesses cater specifically to their resource-saving needs. All organizations need to save costs, and that’s especially true for small businesses.

    Ian Lorenzana
    SBA Economic Development Specialist and Public Information Officer

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  4. Fully Prepared, Kept Safe and Cared For + News by

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    Most of those around us are crippled with the fear of needing to be fully prepared. We know that apart from God, there will never be enough to sustain us.
    Click Here to watch Pastor Billy share a message of hope from Romans 8!

    As Christians, we shouldn’t be living in fear. We should be living to glorify Christ — especially now. Most of those around us are crippled with the fear of needing to be fully prepared. We know that apart from God, there will never be enough to sustain us. 

    Only in Jesus can we be fully prepared, kept safe and cared for. NOTHING will be able to separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus, our Lord

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  5. Moms, See This Time as a Gift by

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    A word of encouragement for moms at this time.

    A Word of Encouragement for Moms from Krista Whitney

    Hi, moms! I wanted to share with you some of the things God has been teaching and encouraging me in during this time.

    I know all of our lives have been upended over the last couple of weeks. Some of us have more kids at home during the day than we used to, some of us find ourselves trying to work from home with kids all around us and some now have husbands working from home with children running around. There are many different scenarios we’re all managing with our children day to day.

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  6. The Empty Tomb by

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    No one rises from the dead. Once you’re dead and buried, that’s it. And yet, Christians make a remarkable claim. They actually believe that Someone did rise from the dead. Join us this Easter as we take a look at the evidence for the Empty Tomb.

    Easter Services at The Rock Church 

    Looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back—it was very large. And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, dressed in a white robe, and they were alarmed. And he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him.Mark‬ ‭16:4-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    No one rises from the dead. Once you’re dead and buried, that’s it. And yet, Christians make a remarkable claim. They actually believe that Someone did rise from the dead. Join us this Easter as we take a look at the evidence for the Empty Tomb.

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