The Rock Church


  1. Don’t Be Alone by

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    Don't Be Alone, A Word by Pastor Bill Young of The Rock Christian Church Utah

    “Then they took what Micah had made, and his priest, and went on to Laish, against a people at peace and secure. They attacked them with the sword and burned down their city. There was no one to rescue them because they lived a long way from Sidon and had no relationship with anyone else.” — Judges 18:27-28
    It’s dangerous to be alone.

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  2. Peace in Patience by

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    Peace in Patience, A Word by Pastor Caleb Yetton of The Rock Church in Utah.

    “I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.” — Psalm 40:1,3 (NLT)

    Waiting is super difficult, isn’t it? In The Information Age we live in, having patience is often no longer required. Whether it is online searches, internet shopping, or convenient access to a nearby superstore, we can usually get most things we really want, right away. Naturally, we apply this immediacy mindset to just about every aspect of our lives. This has become one of the greatest lies of our day.

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  3. The Grip of Love by

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    The Grip of Love, A Word by Pastor Bryan Edwards of The Rock Church in Draper, Salt Lake City Utah.

    “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” — John 10:28

    That verse is like a treasure box full of incredible love! The promised assurance and safety coming from the mouth of Jesus grips my heart every time I read it! And it’s these specific words that have really struck me: “no one will snatch them out of my hand.” Jesus is saying that we are so secure in His hands, that nothing can loosen His grip.

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  4. Constructive Criticism by

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    Constructive Criticism, A Word by Pastor Tony D’Amico of The Rock Church in Salt Lake City Draper Utah.

    As a designer, putting my designs out there for the world to see always opens up doors of insecurities and doubts for me. The narrative I can easily start telling myself is, “I am not good enough.” or “What am I even doing?” or “There are so many people better at this than me.” Of course, there will always be people who are “better” than me — and you. They are people who have more experience and more knowledge. They are also people who know the value of constructive criticism.

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  5. Diamond in the Rough by

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    Diamond in the Rough, A Blog post by Pastor Billy Johnson of The Rock Church in Salt Lake Utah.

    It’s always a joy to find something of value in an unexpected place — a diamond in the rough. Over the last few years, my family has discovered that one of our favorite things to do together, is to go to yard and estate sales. We look for paintings my wife loves, furniture from the 1800’s, rare musical instruments, and any kind of electronic device that uses tubes. Most of the time we clean the items up and re-sell them. Sometimes, (not very often), we find something we want to hold onto — something worthy of taking to the Antiques Road Show (true story).

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  6. Family of God by

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    Family of God, A Word from Pastor Steve McInroy of The Rock Church in Utah.

    I am so thankful for our Rock Church family. God has been moving in extraordinary ways and it is an absolute privilege to labor with people who have such a deep love for the Gospel.

    It reminds me of these verses: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” — Philippians 1:3-5

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  7. S.O.A.P. Devotional by

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    S.O.A.P. Devotional, a word by pastor steele croswhite of the rock church in utah

    Lately, I have had a real boost in my quiet times and it’s because I have been using SOAP! No, not the soap you use to wash with. Rather, a devotional plan. Let me explain.

    S. – Scripture
    O. – Observation
    A. – Application
    P. – Prayer

    I am not sure who thought up this acronym originally, but I am certain I have heard Bill Young use it before (thanks, Bill).

    Here are a few examples out of my journal — showing you how this has worked in my quiet times this past week.

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  8. Faithcamp is Coming! by

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    Faithcamp Conference

    What is Faithcamp?

    Faithcamp is a combination of Faithwalkers and our summer Discipleship Training Camp (formally DTC). There will be meaningful worship, powerful teachings (related to our identity in Christ), and organized activities for everyone! Faithcamp is designed for your entire family. We get the whole camp to ourselves, which will create a great environment for hanging out, making new friends, and enjoying old ones. We will be joined by several other churches in our Mountains West Region.

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  9. Lifting Our Eyes by

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    lifting our eyes, a word by pastor josh whitney of the rock church in utah

    “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” — Psalm 121:1-2

    We are blessed to live in the great state of Utah. We have such incredible, natural beauty all around us. And have you noticed our mountains lately? They are unbelievable — the snow, clouds, sunrises, and sunsets! Living in a city with such amazing creation (all around us) is a privilege. But, it’s easy for us to get used to the mountains that we see daily. Recently, a friend from out of town asked me just that, “Do you get used to the view?” I said, “Sadly, yes, I do.” It is human nature to take things for granted.

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  10. The Rock Marriage Retreat by

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    The Rock Marriage Retreat

    The Rock Church places a high value on investing in the marriages God has given us. Next to Jesus, your spouse is the most important relationship you will ever have. The Rock Marriage Retreat is a fantastic opportunity for you to invest in that relationship by getting away with your spouse to beautiful Park City. We are offering either a one-night or a two-night option:

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