The Rock Church


  1. Romania Mission Trip by

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    Romania Mission Trip

    In August, several members of The Rock Church will be traveling on a Jettly private plane to Romania to serve with the Casa Sperantei (The House of Hope) Ministry (located in Northwest Romania). This ministry targets six different villages in order to reach out to both Romanian and Roma (Gypsy) children/teens and their families. If ever by chance you visit London, here you’ll see these Earls Court serviced apartments which are in excellent location for a short stay in west London! If you will be travelling here using your private jet, make sure to have an aircraft maintenance company check your jet to make sure it is in good condition.

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  2. God’s Purpose by

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    God's Purpose, A Word by Pastor Bill Young

    “The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me…” — Psalm 138:8 (NIV84)

    “For when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep.” — Acts 13:36 (NIV84)

    Sometimes life can get confusing. Even for me (as a Christian leader for over 35 years), I occasionally wonder, “God, what are you doing?” or “God, what do you want ME to do?” As a planner, I like to know the answers to both of these questions (especially as it relates to the direction our church is going). It can be somewhat unnerving to feel a bit “directionless” at times.

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  3. Mission to the City by

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    Mission To The City

    We Are On Mission

    The Rock Cares Ministry is excited to announce a “Mission to the City” initiative planned for July 14 — July 22. During every day (and night) of that week, we’ll be serving our community in some amazing ways. Not only will we be partnering with some of our Rock Cares Ministries (Salt Lake Rescue Mission, Pregnancy Resource Center, and others), but we’ll also participate in hosting a Draper Days booth at Draper Park and a Blood Drive at our church building.

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  4. Here and Now by

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    Here and Now, A Word by Pastor Steve McInroy of The Rock Churches in Utah

    I love being on mission. Not just in far away places but also in the here and now. Teaming together with Jesus (and other Christians) in prayer, planning, and sharing the Gospel, is the quintessential life in Christ. I think the here and now is the actual living out of a life in Christ, or the realization of what Jesus was talking about when He described the full life in Christ. I’m not talking about a “campfire-singing-Kum Ba Yah” sort of existence. Instead, it’s more of a real day-to-day intimacy with God. The kind that is with me through my highs, my lows, and walks me through the here and now moments of life.

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  5. The Bible on Trial Sermon Series by

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    Bible on Trial, A Sermon Series by The Rock Church


    Over the years, no book has come under more criticism and scrutiny than the Bible. People have looked for ways to disprove and dismiss it. Even today, the accusations and claims made against it are staggering. With the endless discoveries being made in the worlds of academia and science alone (not to mention archeological discoveries), is there any reason to believe the Word of God? In a court of law, would the claims of the Bible withstand the scrutiny of its opponents? Are there witnesses and evidence to defend the Scriptures?

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  6. Sing for He is Worthy by

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    Sing for He is Worthy A Word by Pastor Steele Croswhite

    “Sing a new song to the Lord!
    Let the whole earth sing to the Lord!
    Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
    Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.
    Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
    Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
    Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!” — Psalm 96:1-4

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  7. No Counterfeits by

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    No Counterfeits

    “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel — which is no gospel at all.” Galatians 1:6 (NIV84)

    My older sister has an innate ability to discern distress in my voice. Many years ago, our first-born son, Joseph, was admitted to the hospital for an unknown virus; he was only 10 weeks old! I called my sister to let her know. “What’s wrong?” came her instant and concerned response to my weak greeting. She had me. I burst into tears as the stress and torment of the last few hours overwhelmed me. My sister knew me too well — I couldn’t put up a front. Something was wrong and she discerned it immediately.

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