The Rock Church


  1. Impulse by

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    Impulse by Bryan D. Edwards

    “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

    Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, “Always respond to every impulse to pray.” His words have stuck with me. I have impulses all the time. And I don’t know about you, but my first impulse isn’t always to pray. I have the impulse to sleep in another ten minutes, eat three more cinnamon rolls, sleep in another ten minutes, buy that pair of socks I don’t really need, or sleep in another ten minutes. Honestly, the impulse or desire to pray doesn’t always make the top of my list.

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  2. Introducing PCO Give by

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    Introducing PCO Give

    We’ve been using Planning Center Online for three years for our service plans and serving schedule, which has been tremendously successful. Over the last 18 months, PCO has released numerous applications that are fully integrated in order to give us a central location for church management. This is incredibly helpful in coordinating and uniting so much information into one database. We started using PCO Registrations for all event registrations PCO Resources for building usage needs this year.

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  3. Rejoice by

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    by Tony D'Amico

    Recently, I have been living inside of the Psalms, reading them over and over again. I just love how David wrote down his thoughts so poetically.

    One of the Psalms that really spoke to me, was Psalm 40. David expressed what I believe is a scenario we all tend to experience when we first get saved.

    First, in verses 40:1-3, God pulls us out of our old life and gives us a new song, new life, gives us salvation. Then, in verses 40:4-10, there is that exciting feeling we have knowing all of the great things that God has done for us — we proclaim it to the world. Next, in verses 40:11-15, we see the critics, the skeptics, the haters of God. The ones who start to attack our new found life with Him! They try to destroy, humiliate and shame us for loving God.

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  4. A Special Message From The Rock Church by

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    Special Message

    With hearts of faith and a clear sense of leading from the Lord, I want to share some difficult yet exciting news with you.

    This past weekend, we announced at all of our locations, that after eight years of incredible ministry in Utah County, we will be closing down The Provo Rock location on December 27. There have been many factors in making this decision and as leaders, we have sought the Lord diligently and trust that He is leading.

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  5. Not Alone by

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    by Steele Croswhite

    “But from then on, only half my men worked while the other half stood guard with spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. The leaders stationed themselves behind the people of Judah who were building the wall. The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon. All the builders had a sword belted to their side. The trumpeter stayed with me to sound the alarm.” Nehemiah 4:16-18

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