The Rock Church


  1. Musings on Madison by

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    Married, Musings on Madison

    You may have read of the recent news stories concerning the Ashley Madison website. Sadly, it is a dating website that targets married people who are looking to have an affair. Recently, hackers broke into the website’s servers and stole their information. Now, millions of people (who were either openly or secret looking to have an affair) have been exposed.

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  2. Fully Engaged by

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    by Bill Young[/caption]

    “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV)

    Can you believe it — summer is over and the fall is already upon us?! This time of year always brings with it new and exciting opportunities to labor hard for Jesus (as well as Broncos football games)!

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  3. Parenting Workshop by

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    It’s difficult to raise children who will be equipped to face the world that’s waiting for them when they’re grown. How do we prepare them? How do we get them from infancy to adulthood and give them what they need to succeed in the life before them?

    Monitoring the internet to make certain children and families remain safe has become critical. That is why  spyrix apk will save you many problems, so look no further than this article.

    This world thinks it has the answers, but it doesn’t. What we need are parents filled with faith, standing ready to love and train their children, and having Biblical standards to live by. What does that practically look like? You probably have a lot of questions that you’d like to ask. We’d like to help give you some answers. Please join us on September 25 & 26, as we hear from Steve Nelson (pastor and father of eight children, and author of the book Premeditated Parenting) and his wife, Kathleen. They will share Biblical principals and practicals to successfully love and raise children to be warriors for Christ..

    Friday 7- 9:00 p.m., Saturday: 9- 3:00 p.m. (a light breakfast will be served, lunch will be on your own) at our Draper location (11630 S 700 E). Childcare will be provided. The cost is only $10.00 per couple and $5.00 per single. Questions? Contact, Brent Kendall.

    Register Today!

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  4. Forsaken Hope by

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    by Austin Fredrickson

    Many of us have heard it said (or have said it ourselves): “My relationship with the Lord feels kind of dry.” Or maybe something like this: “I just feel stagnant in my faith.” Or “I’m not getting much out of my quiet times lately.” This can happen to any of us. We feel like we are just going through the motions. Something that at one point felt so exciting and fun now just seems like an act or something you do because you feel like you have to.

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  5. Europe Mission Trip Application by

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    United 2016

    How would you like to go to Europe? How would you like to help change the world for Jesus? If your answer is “yes” to either question, you’re not alone! A short-term mission trip is being planned for Spring 2016 (tentative dates are May 25 – June 6). We’d love to have you prayerfully consider joining us for this life changing opportunity! We’re trusting God to lead four teams of people to four different cities in Europe (cities yet to be determined) partnering with our European sister ministries. There will be more details coming as people commit to going. Each person is responsible to raise his or her own support estimated at $2500 – $3000 per person. Applications are now available online at There is a $50 application fee due when applying and a $300 deposit due Oct 31 (this is non-refundable and goes toward the overall cost of the trip). Questions? Contact Steve McInroy.

    U16 Application

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  6. Unheard of Love by

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    by Bryan Edwards

    Before I became a Christian, I had plenty of non-Christian friends who loved me. But, it was nothing like the love, support and compassion I received from my friends who were Believers. Over time, those Christian men and women had a tremendous impact on me. Their friendships changed my life. Jesus was the real game changer (of course), but those Christians who loved me, poured their lives into me, and were so patient with me, truly impacted me. That kind of love was unheard of to me. I’ll never be the same because of it.

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  7. Worship 2015 by

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    Worship 2015

    Mark your calendars now for a night of sweet worship and fellowship at Standing Together’s WORSHIP 2015! Join us on the south lawn of the Utah State Capital Grounds on Sunday, August 9 (5:00 – 8:00 p.m.). Bring lawn chairs, blankets and a picnic dinner and enjoy the worship music of: The Porter Family Band, Aaron Gillespie and Extol. The evening is FREE and we’d love to have you join us. Questions? Contact Standing Together or call 801.474.1363.

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  8. Europe Mission Trip 2016 Info Meeting by

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    The Rock Church is in the beginning stages of planning another short-term mission trip in the spring of 2016 (to partner with and serve our sister churches in Europe). Mission trips change the lives of all those involved and we’d love you to be a part of this one. We will have an information meeting Thursday, August 6, 7:00 p.m. at the Dean Court Football Stadium to help share our plans and hopefully answer many of your questions. Won’t you prayerfully consider participating in what God is doing through our Great Commission Europe ministries by supporting this trip either financially and/or by actually joining us on this exciting opportunity? Questions? Contact Steve McInroy.

    For more information on our previous mission trips to Europe, please visit

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  9. Heavenly Upgrade by

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    by Bill Young

    Colossians 3:1-2 “…set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (NIV)

    Thinking about and teaching on the reality of Heaven last month, was an amazing blessing to me. It reminded me of a flight I had out of Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. a few years ago. The flight was full and the gate agent asked if anyone was willing to take a “bump” because they were overbooked. My friend and I had nothing better to do, so we volunteered. We got hotel and meal vouchers, were booked for the next day’s flight and were on our way.

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  10. GCC Newsletter by

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    The Rock Churches in Utah are blessed to be a associated relationally with of a larger family of churches around the country and world. As believers in Jesus Christ we have been forgiven and transformed by the grace of God.

    The heart of the Great Commission church movement is to tell the message of Jesus Christ to every nation and to build churches that follow the New Testament. Check out the quarterly GCC Newsletter sent from our national office as well as clicking on this link to see the list of churches associated with us through the fellowship of churches in the Great Commission movement. In this addition, there is a column about our West Church plant, give it a read!

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