The Rock Church


  1. A Raspberry Parable by

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    Raspberry Parable

    “Then the disciples came and said to him, ‘Why do you speak to them in parables?’” Matthew 13:10

    John and Steve had been roommates in college. After graduation they moved to different parts of the country. They stayed in touch mainly through Facebook, but they hadn’t seen each other in years. Finally, Steve had a chance to visit John on a business trip. They enjoyed catching up over dinner and after the meal, John showed Steve around his new home, including his yard. John had worked hard during his first few years in his new house and he had planted a number of trees and plants.

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  2. Resurrection by

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    This past weekend we celebrated Easter — the celebration of the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a time to remember what Jesus did for us when He conquered death on the cross. You might still wonder, what is the significance of the Resurrection and what did it accomplish for us?

    First, we can know that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ justifies us before God. In Romans 4:25 Paul writes… “Who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.” Justification means, “the action of declaring or making righteous in the sight of God.” We can take great comfort in this truth. Because of our sinful nature we are separated from God and are not at all capable of a relationship with him (see more in Romans 6:28 and Isaiah 59:2). But, Jesus stepped in and took our punishment. He was the payment for our sins, something that we couldn’t do on our own!

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  3. Faithful by

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    “Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that were to be spoken later, but Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son.” Hebrews 3:5-6

    In Exodus, we read that it took some time for Moses to accept the fact that God had huge plans for his life. You might wonder why that was?

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  4. God Goes Before You by

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    God Goes Before You

    I decided to keep my thoughts short and sweet. I simply wanted to share with you the truth that God has been encouraging me with these past few months. You can find it in one of my favorite Bible passages — Psalm 139. Much of the Psalm is dedicated to the fact that we cannot escape from God’s presence. In fact, verse seven says just that: “I can NEVER escape from Your Spirit! I can NEVER get away from your presence!”

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  5. Hospitality by

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    “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:1

    The New Testament is full of commands to “practice hospitality” so Krista and I have been striving to meet and show hospitality to our neighbors. God has given us opportunities to have four of our eight surrounding neighbors over for a meal in the past year. At Christmas time, one of our neighbors (who we had over for dinner a year ago), gave us a gift and card. In the card they wrote, “Merry Christmas to our best neighbors ever!” I was simultaneously encouraged and saddened by that. I was encouraged that they appreciated our hospitality so much. But, then I thought, “We just had you over for dinner once!”. We’ve talked to our neighbors when we have seen them outside, but “best neighbor ever”?! The hospitality bar is indeed low, but God can use us, Church.

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  6. Where Is Your Hope? by

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    Where Is Your Hope?

    “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4

    This past week I had two dear friends die. It was a rough week for many of us who loved them. I felt a bit shaken and found myself waking up at night trying to get my head around the fact that these dear ones with whom I had enjoyed fellowship, laugher, and labor for Jesus with were now… gone. I prayed for their families and talked to God about how I was feeling.

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  7. Teach What Is Good by

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    Teach What Is Good

    This past Friday (February 12), we had a Cookie Exchange for our newfound Ladies Night for our Salt Lake City location (Every second Friday of the month!) It was encouraging to see women meeting new women, breaking down walls, and building community. It was a success to say the least, especially if you measure success in number of cookies exchanged.

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