The Rock Church


  1. Shield by

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    by Steele Croswhite

    “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” Psalm 18:2

    Just a few days ago, these verses came alive to me in a whole new way. As I write this, I am enjoying some time away with my family near Seattle, Washington. The house where my wife grew up has become somewhat of a second home to us; a place where we can watch movies, go boating on the lake and go on extended runs in the surrounding wilderness.

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  2. Faithful and Faithless by

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    by Josh Whitney

    The Book of Acts (Chapter 12), shows us how faithful and faithless people respond to the storms and trials of life. If you remember in Acts, the early church in Jerusalem was growing like a weed. About that same time, King Herod decided to persecute the church. First, he murdered James and then he arrested Peter. He most likely planned to kill Peter, too. I love Acts 12:5, “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.”

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  3. Dwelling EP Release and Art Show by

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    We’d love to have you join us on July 17 (6:30 p.m.), at our Provo location (244 W 100 S), for a night of music, art and food! The Rock Music is releasing a new EP entitled Dwelling. Music is by Heartless Breakers and Nicholas D’Amico (TRM band). Art will not only be on display by Briton Groesbeck and Tony D’Amico, but it will also be available to purchase! This is a fabulous opportunity to invite your friends and family to – they can hear great music, see amazing art and eat delicious food. Admission is FREE. What a great way to spend a Friday night!

    Questions? Please contact Caleb Yetton (

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  4. The Rock Church response to the SCOTUS decision to legalize gay marriage by

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    Statement on Marriage

    Dear Rock Church Member,

    As you probably know, the Supreme Court Of The United Sates (SCOTUS), in a landmark decision today, ruled in favor of legalizing gay marriage. As your pastors, we felt it would be appropriate to let you know our response to this ruling. FYI, much of this reply reflects the response that the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) sent out today.

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  5. Did God Really Say? by

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    The first lie recorded in human history was one of doubting God’s goodness. The devil twisted what God said, and then used it to attack Mankind. Unfortunately, we bought into the lie and the rest is history. Fast forward to today. Our culture still believes the lie. The attack on Truth, the Bible, has never been more malicious. Ideas such as, “How can you believe the Bible when it blatantly promotes slavery and degrades women?” or “Look at how much murder, death and evil Christianity is responsible for.” or “The Bible is a homophobic book that threatens to send everyone to hell who doesn’t agree with it.” With people saying and believing things like this, it seems like Christianity has its back up against the wall. Or does it? Are these statements actually true? Or have people been deceived in this 140 character Social Media generation?

    Join us at The Rock Church starting June 26, as we take a brutally honest look into these ideas and misconceptions. We’ll go back to the Source to see for ourselves… “Did God Really Say?”

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  6. Make it Right by

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    by Billy Johnson

    “However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.” Ephesians 5:33

    Sometimes it’s human nature to build up a tolerance to discomfort. We have a physical ache or pain and we ignore it or stop worrying about it until we simply forget about it. We don’t actually fix the problem — we just learn how to deal with it. In some cases, ignoring these problems can have life changing effects.

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