The Rock Church


  1. Forgiven by

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    by Bill Young

    I’ve been recently teaching on one of my favorite subjects: forgiveness. I truly believe that many Christians do not really understand their forgiveness. This lack of understanding causes them to live like slaves to their sin! In John 8:32 Jesus says He came to set men free (“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”). Here’s some good news, Christian: ALL your sins are forgiven — you are FREE! We are free from sin. But, do we live like it? In order to live a life of freedom and joy, you need to understand that ALL YOUR SINS have been forgiven.

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  2. He is Able by

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    by Bryan Edwards

    “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Ephesians 3:20-21
    In 1999, The Rock Church’s first service humbly started in Pastor Bill Young’s living room in Sandy, Utah. In 2003, we launched our first church plant in Salt Lake City. In 2007, God sent us off again as we planted a new church in Provo, Utah. The day has now come where God is on the move yet again.

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  3. Draper Small Groups by

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    Small groups in Draper

    If you come to the Draper Church for very long, you’ll hear us talk about how important we think Small Groups are. I believe that they are one of God’s biggest and best ideas (and I think you’re really going to love them!). The word “church” shows up in the Bible no less than 79 times. In some cases, we read of large group meetings at the temple and at other times we hear of smaller groups gathering in homes.

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  4. Stewards of Grace by

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    by Austin Fredrickson

    God gives us all grace. He gives us grace in forgiving our sins when they do not deserve to be forgiven and He gives us grace in blessing us with many good things that we do not deserve. Personally, I feel like He has given me so much and I have a ton to be thankful for: my wife, my son, my house, my job, our church, a good education, food to eat everyday, etc, etc… You and I have been given so many good things, all by God’s grace.

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