The Rock Church


  1. 2013 Financial Report by

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    God never ceases to amaze us when it comes to providing financially for the church and 2013 was no exception. The Rock Church stepped out in faith in many ways last year to make strides to win Utah and the world for Jesus. We started our Roots 2.0 capital campaign to raise funds to construct a building on our land in Draper, Read more →

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  2. Building Permit! by

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    Draper Building Permit

    Well, the exciting day has finally come! After literally months of hard work, we received our official “Building Permit” on Wednesday and we can press ahead full steam with our building project in Draper (see pictures image of the progress here)! Thank you again for all your prayers, support, and sacrifice to make this happen. Lives will be different because you gave!

    Also, just a reminder to please attend our Ground Breaking ceremony this Sunday, March 2 from 2-3:00 p.m. on the property (11630 S 700 E). See you Sunday!

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  3. Prepared by

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    Prepared, a word from pastor Bill Young

    “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” — Exodus 23:20 (NIV)

    I read this verse last week in my quiet time. What an exciting visual — God’s angels leading the way to a place Jesus has prepared for our church. I have been claiming this verse for a “home of our own” — our own Sandy/Draper facility — since 2006. Read more →

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  4. February Prayer List by

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    “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” –Romans 12:12

    We are on the edge of a lot of really exciting things happening this year at The Rock. We are recognizing three new deacons, and five new pastors who have already been investing their lives into the church for quite some time. This is a big deal for us, and it is just the start of a very busy 2014. We are sending out missionaries to Honduras, Romania, Italy, and Poland. We are building a church home in Draper, planting a church, and continuing to be missionaries in our own community. We are remaining faithful in God to provide us with the funds to accomplish this vision. Read more →

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  5. Leadership Announcement by

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    Leadership Announcement

    Hello Rock Church!

    We have some very exciting news! After much prayer and counsel, we feel that the Holy Spirit is leading us to recognize and appoint five new pastors (same as “Elder”) and three new deacons. From the Salt Lake campus, we are planning on recognizing Austin Fredrickson, Billy Johnson, Bryan Edwards and Tony D’Amico as pastors (initially bi-vocational). Read more →

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  6. Looking Back! by

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    Looking Back at 2013 and Taking Ground in 2014

    It says in Psalms 77:11-12 “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.”

    Looking back on all that God has done at the Rock in 2013 gives us hope for the all he has for us in the future! Looking back also makes us thankful and expectant for the amazing things we will Read more →

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  7. Faithwalkers by

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    This last December, all the saints from the GCC Mountains West Region were invited to Grand Junction, Colorado from December 27-30 to the Faithwalkers Conference. This conference is such a great way to end the year with a concentrated time of messages, worship and fellowship. This year 650 saints showed up and it was a tremendous blessing to be together as the larger body of Christ! Read more →

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