The Rock Church


  1. January Prayer List by

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    “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’” –Billy Graham

    We are a couple days into 2014 now. You might have even taken down your Christmas tree and quit making cookies, and you are willing to try eating vegetables for the first time since the green bean casserole at Thanksgiving. You’ve got your one year Read more →

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  2. Happy New Year! by

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    A new year often motivates people to start something new and can also give us a sense of relief when we get a chance to start over. Out goes Old Man 2013 and in comes the Young Hope of 2014. Lose weight, pray more, stop smoking, start budgeting, help others, share your faith, clean your car, read your Bible, spend more time with your kids, and on and on. These are all fine things to strive for and if a New Year’s resolution helps you get there, then I say go for it. Like a fresh coat of snow covers up the dead browns of fall, we see things anew and the possibilities in the future seem endless.
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  3. One-Year Reading Plans by

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    The Rock Church, One Year Reading Plan

    But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4

    With the new year approaching, we all are thinking about resolutions we want to make. One of those might be reading through our Bibles or having better quiet times, but reading through the entire Bible can seem like a nearly impossible task. To assist you, there are some really cool resources out there that I want to share that can help give you a plan with your quiet times over this next year. There are a ton reading plans out there, so I thought I would start you out with a few to choose from if you have never gone through one before. Read more →

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  4. Persecution by

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    Recently, I read an informative and sad article about the persecution of Christians around the world. Here are some excerpts:

    According to the International Society for Human Rights, a secular [group], 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians. Statistically speaking, that makes Christians by far the most persecuted religious body on the planet.
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  5. Miracles by

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    “God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them.” (Acts 19:11-12)

    Just before Jesus returns to heaven to take his place at the right hand of God, He gives the disciples these words that echo throughout the entire book of Acts: He said in Acts 1:8 “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.”
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  6. Lord of All by

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    “If you love me you will obey me.” 1 John 14:14 (NIV)

    Years ago I remember meeting with a young man in my church and telling him, “I’m sorry, but I can no longer meet with you.” I took a long sip of my coffee and watched as the words I had spoken sunk deeply into the heart of my dear friend across the table. “But why?” came his incredulous reply. “Because you’re not doing what I’ve asked you to do.”
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  7. The Rock Music Gather E.P. out now! by

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