The Rock Church

Tag Archive: building

  1. A Work in Progress

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    “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” — Philippians 1:6

    Right now, there are no doors in the upstairs of my home. As a matter of fact, there is also no furniture, functioning bathroom, pantry, bedroom, or living room. We are walking on “ram board” floors, and wiping drywall dust off our clothes every few minutes. None of this is surprising since we’re blessed to be smack dab in the middle of some home renovations.


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  2. Building Update – March 21, 2014

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    Building Update — March 21, 2014

    Well, work is progressing rapidly! We are still pouring footings – should finish this week. All of our steel will be delivered next week and put up the week after that! Don’t miss out on the many opportunities to help with the building. (more…)

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  3. Building Permit!

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    Draper Building Permit

    Well, the exciting day has finally come! After literally months of hard work, we received our official “Building Permit” on Wednesday and we can press ahead full steam with our building project in Draper (see pictures image of the progress here)! Thank you again for all your prayers, support, and sacrifice to make this happen. Lives will be different because you gave!

    Also, just a reminder to please attend our Ground Breaking ceremony this Sunday, March 2 from 2-3:00 p.m. on the property (11630 S 700 E). See you Sunday!

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  4. Prepared

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    Prepared, a word from pastor Bill Young

    “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” — Exodus 23:20 (NIV)

    I read this verse last week in my quiet time. What an exciting visual — God’s angels leading the way to a place Jesus has prepared for our church. I have been claiming this verse for a “home of our own” — our own Sandy/Draper facility — since 2006. (more…)

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