The Rock Church

Tag Archive: covid

  1. Hospitality

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    Hospitality – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Hospitality seems to be less popular nowadays than what I remember throughout my life. It’s also different from what I’ve read about"

    Hospitality seems to be less popular nowadays than what I remember throughout my life. It’s also different from what I’ve read about in the past. In biblical times, showing hospitality to strangers was an absolute privilege. On top of that, people would vie for the chance to do so. Thankfully, many people worldwide still go out of their way to invite others into their homes to share a meal.

    Something special happens when we let down our guard and focus on others. On many occasions (and in many places), my wife and I have sat at the tables of generous people. Some of you reading this were kind enough to open your homes to us. Thank you! That act of kindness is bearing fruit in our family. Here is a great verse to consider.


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  2. Selah

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    Selah – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I wonder, if perhaps we are in a Selah moment? After all, God is Sovereign and orchestrates everything that has ever happened,"

    Selah is a Hebrew word of unknown meaning — you’ll see it at the end of verses in the Psalms. While perhaps a musical direction, it’s traditionally interpreted as a blessing meaning “forever”. Whenever I encounter the word Selah in the Bible, I can’t help but think it has been carefully (and intentionally) placed there to catch my eye. Like the conductor of a great symphony, the Lord looks at me intently. He directs my very soul with His baton. 

    “Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but men!” Selah — Psalm 9:20


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  3. Update on the State Legislature’s Decision Regarding the Mask Mandate

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    Dear Rock Church,

    As you may know, the Utah House has overturned Salt Lake and Summit County mask mandates, effective immediately. The Utah House voted 45-29 (Friday morning) to end the locally-imposed COVID-19 mask mandates in Salt Lake and Summit counties.

    Accordingly, we will continue to leave the decision to wear a mask (or not) to your own good judgment. We will have masks available for anyone who would like one.


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  4. Update Regarding The Rock’s Mask Policy

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    The Rock Pastors spent four hours (of heartfelt discussion) regarding our response and responsibility to the Salt Lake County Health Department’s 30-day public health order (order #2022-01) regarding COVID-19 mask mandates.

    This is a challenging issue, to say the least. But, this is what the pastors have decided will apply to our Rock Church services:


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  5. Announcement for the Weekend of January 8 & 9, 2022

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    Dear Rock Church,

    We are aware that yesterday, the Salt Lake County Health Department issued a 30-day public health order (order #2022-01) requiring people in Salt Lake County to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status or past COVID-19 infection.

    Because of the late notice of this order, The Rock Church will simply encourage – but not require – the wearing of masks this weekend. We will also not enforce mask wearing, but leave this decision to your own good judgment. We will have masks available for anyone who wants one.


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  6. Mask Mandate Ending in Utah and TRC’s Plans

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    Hi, Rock Church ~~ We had an amazing Easter celebration last weekend! All three services were full, there were 17 salvations, 20 baptisms and tons of new people! Celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus together was an incredible blessing. 

    I have a quick COVID update for you. As you may know, Governor Cox (and the Utah State Legislature) recently passed a bill that will eliminate any mask requirements in the state of Utah (as of April 10, 2021). 


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  7. Online Services Only This Weekend (March 27 & 28)

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    Important COVID Update

    Attention Rock Church Family,

    With the goal of keeping you informed, we wanted to notify you that yesterday (March 25), we became aware of six people who have tested positive for COVID-19. They were in attendance at church on Saturday, March 20. At the time of that church service, these individuals were not showing any symptoms of infection. They all wore masks during the service, when they were unable to social distance.


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