The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Good

  1. Join Us This Easter!

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    Join Us This Easter at The Rock Church!

    Good news is hard to find. We live in crazy times, where bad news is the norm rather than the exception. If there’s ever a time we could use a fresh dose of good news, it’s today. In our Easter series called GOOD News (for a change), we will learn how Jesus changes everything. You will discover how Jesus came to this planet to bring the Good News of hope, healing, and freedom — to YOU!


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  2. Good Works

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    Good Works

    I was cleaning out the basement a few weeks ago and found an old journal of mine. After reading a few pages, it would seem that all I ever did back in 2007 was think about Jesus, talk about Jesus, read about Jesus and write about Jesus. A lot was going on in my life back then for sure: I had just married Ashley, I was a first year apprentice electrician, I was cranking through the Bible and deciding where I stood on heavy theological positions. I was also writing down prayers, leading people to Christ, and playing in one of the worship bands at The Rock.


    Posted in A Word from the Pastor by