The Rock Church

Tag Archive: harmony

  1. Love and Unity

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    Love and Unity — a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "our love and unity (with each other) bring us closer to the Lord. Additionally, we can together catch glimpses of what’s to come."

    “Love and unity” (together) are among the eight core values we hold dear at The Rock. We describe this particular value in these words (on our website): “We desire our ministry to be marked by a Christ-like, selfless love, loyalty, and unity with fellow believers.” Over time, the undeniable evidence of this core value within our body of Believers has struck me. Selfless love and loyalty are indeed the norm. It’s as if it’s actually in the air. Like a beautiful fragrance from a spring flower after a long winter. And ultimately, it’s so compelling it draws you in. 


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  2. Selah

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    Selah – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I wonder, if perhaps we are in a Selah moment? After all, God is Sovereign and orchestrates everything that has ever happened,"

    Selah is a Hebrew word of unknown meaning — you’ll see it at the end of verses in the Psalms. While perhaps a musical direction, it’s traditionally interpreted as a blessing meaning “forever”. Whenever I encounter the word Selah in the Bible, I can’t help but think it has been carefully (and intentionally) placed there to catch my eye. Like the conductor of a great symphony, the Lord looks at me intently. He directs my very soul with His baton. 

    “Put them in fear, O Lord! Let the nations know that they are but men!” Selah — Psalm 9:20


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